Hahaha, somehow i am shy to post my private picture here, but i can't help with these ones. I had myself makeover yesterday and did some photoshots with Japanese dress, kimono. I did many silly poses with the photografer's instructions and it was all successfully ended with tons of laughs! But i chose this one to be printed, so i'll give it here for you to see. *blushing!*
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
warung mie pojokan
Hahaha, satu lagi post aneh ni. Abisnya pagi ini saya senang banget. Well, awalnya sih ga ya, secara saya dibangungin pukul 7 pagi sama Ing, katanya mau maen pagi-pagi karena ada urusan pukul 9-an gitu. Tapi, setelah 2 minggu ga bareng-bareng, saya jadi semangat ni, berarti urusan cerita-cerita bakalan berlanjut hehe.. Saya bangun deh akhirnya dengan sukacita (dan tetap ngantuk! hehe).
Setelah hampir seminggu mesti bangun lebih pagi karena kuliah dicepatin setengah jam, biasanya kan pukul 8, nah sekarang jadinya masuk pukul 7.30. Yang tadinya bangun pukul 7, sekarang jadi pukul 6.30, itu cukup membuat saya telat masuk kelas deh seminggu ini, kalopun ga telat, ya saya cukup buru-buru jalan sampe ke kelas hehe. Duh, malu ya sama yang rumahnya jauh, saya kurang bisa ber-empati dengan anda semua haha. Saya mungkin nanti kedepannya bukan makhluk pagi deh, kecuali terpaksa :p
Jadi deh, pukul 8 kurang Ing dah dateng, kita duduk di depan dulu. Cerita masalah 'so-me-o-ne'. Bukan dari sisi saya, atopun sisi dia, tapi orang yang kita kenal baik. Waduh, selama 2 minggu ini ternyata kita dah pada dikejar-kejar tu sama dia. Parahnya lagi, Barney-nya Ing juga hahaha, parah tu anak. Tapi yawdahlah, yang penting sekarang (kayaknya) dah aman, jadi ga perlu dipusingin dulu. Trus kita cari makan deh di kampus, yang ternyata semua pada meliburkan diri! Saya jadi curiga, jangan-jangan karena puasa, kegiatan perkuliahan hari Sabtu libur ya? Mobil-mobil pada sepi, tempat makan apalagi, tutup semua! Jadinya, mobil Ing mutar lagi deh, kita coba liat yang buka, dan yang ada adalah Warung Mie Pojokan!
Saya belum pernah makan sih disini. Papa saya malah udah, dan katanya lumayan enak. Mmm, saya rasa sih, lumayan enak juga, tapi saya kurang suka dagingnya. Well, bukan warung mie ato mie-nya sih yang penting, yang penting saya dan Ing bisa saling curhat disitu. Saya tahu hal-hal yang terjadi belakangan di hidup dia, dia juga tetap tahu masalah saya belakangan ini. Dia mendukung saya, dan saya merasa sangat senang dengan itu. Secara kita temenan udah dari kelas 5 SD, sekelas trus sejak kelas 2 SMP sampe kuliah ini. Kita cuma kepisah 1 kelas selama 4 semester, cuma kelas agama doang! hahaha.. Tapi di semester ini kita jadi banyak kepisah kelasnya. Dan baru 2 minggu, saya dah ngerasa ada yang aneh, huff...
Tapi, pagi ini saya senang. Lain kali saya mau ikut dia ah, ada niatan di bulan depan. Kita dah dari dulu rencana liburan bareng, moga-moga Lebaran bulan depan bisa kewujud ya, secara saya sendiri belum ada rencana kemana-mana Lebaran nanti. Waduh, harus segera menghubungi teman-teman ni, moga-moga pada bisa diajakin ngumpul dan jalan-jalan pas Lebaran. Berdoa mode : ON! hehehe..
Well, thank you, Ing. Sabtu pagi ini saya jadi semangat lagi, khususnya untuk melabrak tukang tinta yang kayaknya telah mengkibuli saya, jadinya tangan saya penuh tinta sekarang. Haiyaaa, saya ga pernah ngerti urusan tinta-tintaan kayak gini, eh, jadinya makin parah gini urusannya haha.. Trus, pengen Jcool juga deh, Red Mango kejauhan soalnya. Wah, jadi semangat deh hari ini hehe.. Moga-moga moodnya tetap bagus deh sampe ntar malam. Saya harus kuat, dan saya tahu orang-orang yang bisa membuat saya kuat, Ing terutama, makasee Ing :)
Setelah hampir seminggu mesti bangun lebih pagi karena kuliah dicepatin setengah jam, biasanya kan pukul 8, nah sekarang jadinya masuk pukul 7.30. Yang tadinya bangun pukul 7, sekarang jadi pukul 6.30, itu cukup membuat saya telat masuk kelas deh seminggu ini, kalopun ga telat, ya saya cukup buru-buru jalan sampe ke kelas hehe. Duh, malu ya sama yang rumahnya jauh, saya kurang bisa ber-empati dengan anda semua haha. Saya mungkin nanti kedepannya bukan makhluk pagi deh, kecuali terpaksa :p
Jadi deh, pukul 8 kurang Ing dah dateng, kita duduk di depan dulu. Cerita masalah 'so-me-o-ne'. Bukan dari sisi saya, atopun sisi dia, tapi orang yang kita kenal baik. Waduh, selama 2 minggu ini ternyata kita dah pada dikejar-kejar tu sama dia. Parahnya lagi, Barney-nya Ing juga hahaha, parah tu anak. Tapi yawdahlah, yang penting sekarang (kayaknya) dah aman, jadi ga perlu dipusingin dulu. Trus kita cari makan deh di kampus, yang ternyata semua pada meliburkan diri! Saya jadi curiga, jangan-jangan karena puasa, kegiatan perkuliahan hari Sabtu libur ya? Mobil-mobil pada sepi, tempat makan apalagi, tutup semua! Jadinya, mobil Ing mutar lagi deh, kita coba liat yang buka, dan yang ada adalah Warung Mie Pojokan!
Saya belum pernah makan sih disini. Papa saya malah udah, dan katanya lumayan enak. Mmm, saya rasa sih, lumayan enak juga, tapi saya kurang suka dagingnya. Well, bukan warung mie ato mie-nya sih yang penting, yang penting saya dan Ing bisa saling curhat disitu. Saya tahu hal-hal yang terjadi belakangan di hidup dia, dia juga tetap tahu masalah saya belakangan ini. Dia mendukung saya, dan saya merasa sangat senang dengan itu. Secara kita temenan udah dari kelas 5 SD, sekelas trus sejak kelas 2 SMP sampe kuliah ini. Kita cuma kepisah 1 kelas selama 4 semester, cuma kelas agama doang! hahaha.. Tapi di semester ini kita jadi banyak kepisah kelasnya. Dan baru 2 minggu, saya dah ngerasa ada yang aneh, huff...
Tapi, pagi ini saya senang. Lain kali saya mau ikut dia ah, ada niatan di bulan depan. Kita dah dari dulu rencana liburan bareng, moga-moga Lebaran bulan depan bisa kewujud ya, secara saya sendiri belum ada rencana kemana-mana Lebaran nanti. Waduh, harus segera menghubungi teman-teman ni, moga-moga pada bisa diajakin ngumpul dan jalan-jalan pas Lebaran. Berdoa mode : ON! hehehe..
Well, thank you, Ing. Sabtu pagi ini saya jadi semangat lagi, khususnya untuk melabrak tukang tinta yang kayaknya telah mengkibuli saya, jadinya tangan saya penuh tinta sekarang. Haiyaaa, saya ga pernah ngerti urusan tinta-tintaan kayak gini, eh, jadinya makin parah gini urusannya haha.. Trus, pengen Jcool juga deh, Red Mango kejauhan soalnya. Wah, jadi semangat deh hari ini hehe.. Moga-moga moodnya tetap bagus deh sampe ntar malam. Saya harus kuat, dan saya tahu orang-orang yang bisa membuat saya kuat, Ing terutama, makasee Ing :)
deepest heart,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Show
I just felt click on this songs few weeks ago. Then tonight, i just found its lyrics, and so much click on my situation currently. Life is just a show. Choose your own character, while here, i am not pretending anything, but, my life is my show. Look on this show to know me better, wishing you to enjoy my show :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
craving for RedMango
I have to say, Red Mango tasted best from all, gotta check it yourself. Look also its tissue, i liked its words. As they know that yogurt became girl's best friend lately, they prove that they care about us! They made us healthy (i believe this one, since i am a big fan of yogurt hehe), service us the best, provide cozy place to tell stories (yeah, lately i realize while having yogurt, we could do some 'curcol' hehe). Uhh, hoping so much i can have a cup or two this weekend. Crossing fingers!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
men' key
I am not going to write about men' world personally. I won't criticize anyone there either, i just wanna tell what i've got from men' movies, Yes Man and Slumdog Millionaire. Since i had a long weekend (i was off class yesterday, yippie!), i watched these two good movies about men' life and world. And two classical advices will follow, which are :
Do not afraid to be open minded, to say YES to new things and all the chances you might regret if you ignore it, and, maybe good things will come to you, just keep on faith. Well, maybe it can be concluded with Ora et Labora (pray and do).
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Oh my, it's so hard. To see about his life, and how he still believe good things will come to him.
I loved these two movies, they told us a lot! More about life and being man, sometimes i also felt that life is so unfair to me, made me felt so tiny, made me cried all times, but, keep believing in HIM is the key. Key to move forward, and yes, to be a better man.
Do not afraid to be open minded, to say YES to new things and all the chances you might regret if you ignore it, and, maybe good things will come to you, just keep on faith. Well, maybe it can be concluded with Ora et Labora (pray and do).
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Oh my, it's so hard. To see about his life, and how he still believe good things will come to him.
I loved these two movies, they told us a lot! More about life and being man, sometimes i also felt that life is so unfair to me, made me felt so tiny, made me cried all times, but, keep believing in HIM is the key. Key to move forward, and yes, to be a better man.
Monday, August 24, 2009
anti ALIEN
I am a bit confused how to tell my last Sunday (yesterday) experience. I'll make it on a list, i guess, because i am laughing my self now, remembering the last but sentational thing! hahahaha
- i went to JPCC to had their second service with my sisters, and they had a great preach (Australian' preacher) about God as daddy and judge. I love it, it was meaningful, since i had a awful week (my God, it's still my first week!) with a heavy heart and mind. God bless me, Amen!
- then we moved to Plaza Senayan, to had lunch, if i'm not mistaken it called Din Tai Fung, shared everything there as i wish a week before. Oh, i loved them both, they listened my stories, prayed for my best, as we prayed for each other too. God bless them, Amen!
- had another chitchat on Starbucks after window shopping on Metro and Sogo, a long one about our family and next plans about many things. We are looking for a flat shoes for Kak Ime, but, we haven't got it, so me moved again to Senayan City to watch District 9.
- nah, it was sentational one! I recommended no one to watch this movie, especially if you are phobic on "kecoak". I don't know "kecoak" in English hahahaha.. It was a strange movie, about alien, but the aliens looked like "kecoak"! Trust me hehehe.. This movie was not a good one, and i am suddenly felt that they have to agree at first with me to watch The Proposal, since many people said it was great. But, most of us was single (8 persons, maybe) so, watching a comedy-romantic movie wasn't a great idea (poor me huhuhu).
But, after all, i loved my Sunday, i loved my sisters, liked their friends (which one of them said that i am looked like an Indian, whatt???), enjoyed food and movie, Senayan itself (hahaha, i loved Senci, minus i didn't have a DQ in there huhuhu), but it all was fine. Looking forward to see you soon, kak. Happy bday, Kak Ime :)
- i went to JPCC to had their second service with my sisters, and they had a great preach (Australian' preacher) about God as daddy and judge. I love it, it was meaningful, since i had a awful week (my God, it's still my first week!) with a heavy heart and mind. God bless me, Amen!
- then we moved to Plaza Senayan, to had lunch, if i'm not mistaken it called Din Tai Fung, shared everything there as i wish a week before. Oh, i loved them both, they listened my stories, prayed for my best, as we prayed for each other too. God bless them, Amen!
- had another chitchat on Starbucks after window shopping on Metro and Sogo, a long one about our family and next plans about many things. We are looking for a flat shoes for Kak Ime, but, we haven't got it, so me moved again to Senayan City to watch District 9.
- nah, it was sentational one! I recommended no one to watch this movie, especially if you are phobic on "kecoak". I don't know "kecoak" in English hahahaha.. It was a strange movie, about alien, but the aliens looked like "kecoak"! Trust me hehehe.. This movie was not a good one, and i am suddenly felt that they have to agree at first with me to watch The Proposal, since many people said it was great. But, most of us was single (8 persons, maybe) so, watching a comedy-romantic movie wasn't a great idea (poor me huhuhu).
But, after all, i loved my Sunday, i loved my sisters, liked their friends (which one of them said that i am looked like an Indian, whatt???), enjoyed food and movie, Senayan itself (hahaha, i loved Senci, minus i didn't have a DQ in there huhuhu), but it all was fine. Looking forward to see you soon, kak. Happy bday, Kak Ime :)
What I Want From a Man
What I Want From a Man - actually isn't my own words or lists about man i'm about to marry. A friend of mine sent it via email, and it made me giggles for seconds, then, think about it. Comparing my own list, which i won't reveal here, it's still temporary hehehe, but, yet similar with it! x)
Original List:
1. Handsome - well, it's not my priority hehe
2. Charming - hahaha, Prince Charming? :p
3. Financially successful - hey, in what age it is?
4. A caring listener - i have to put it on my first list!
5. Witty - 4 and 5 in 1 package hehe
6. In good shape - yup! taller than me is a must
7. Dresses with style - just make simple and clean
8. Appreciates finer thing - sure
9. Full of thoughtful surprises
10. An imaginative, romantic lover - romantic? hmmm..
* i just can put my comments on the first list, because, it is a normal list. In below lists, i can't put my comments yet, because i am not on that age. But, check it yourself, maybe it will suit on you hehe.. Have a nice check :)
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)
1. Nice looking
2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner
4. Listens more than talks
5. Laughs at my jokes
6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
7. Owns at least one tie
8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
10. Seeks romance at least once a week
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)
1. Not too ugly
2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
3. Works steady - splurges on dinner out occasionally
4. Nods head when I'm talking
5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down
10. Shaves most weekends
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52)
1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public
3. Doesn't borrow money too often
4. Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
5. Doesn't retell the same joke too many times
6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
9. Remembers your name on occasion
10. Shaves some weekends
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)
1. Doesn't scare small children
2. Remembers where bathroom is
3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep
4. Only snores lightly when asleep
5. Remembers why he's laughing
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7. Usually wears some clothes
8. Likes soft foods
9. Remembers where he left his teeth
10. Remembers that it's the weekend
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)
1. Breathing
2. Doesn't miss the toilet.
Original List:
1. Handsome - well, it's not my priority hehe
2. Charming - hahaha, Prince Charming? :p
3. Financially successful - hey, in what age it is?
4. A caring listener - i have to put it on my first list!
5. Witty - 4 and 5 in 1 package hehe
6. In good shape - yup! taller than me is a must
7. Dresses with style - just make simple and clean
8. Appreciates finer thing - sure
9. Full of thoughtful surprises
10. An imaginative, romantic lover - romantic? hmmm..
* i just can put my comments on the first list, because, it is a normal list. In below lists, i can't put my comments yet, because i am not on that age. But, check it yourself, maybe it will suit on you hehe.. Have a nice check :)
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)
1. Nice looking
2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
3. Has enough money for a nice dinner
4. Listens more than talks
5. Laughs at my jokes
6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
7. Owns at least one tie
8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
10. Seeks romance at least once a week
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)
1. Not too ugly
2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
3. Works steady - splurges on dinner out occasionally
4. Nods head when I'm talking
5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down
10. Shaves most weekends
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52)
1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public
3. Doesn't borrow money too often
4. Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
5. Doesn't retell the same joke too many times
6. Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
9. Remembers your name on occasion
10. Shaves some weekends
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)
1. Doesn't scare small children
2. Remembers where bathroom is
3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep
4. Only snores lightly when asleep
5. Remembers why he's laughing
6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7. Usually wears some clothes
8. Likes soft foods
9. Remembers where he left his teeth
10. Remembers that it's the weekend
What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)
1. Breathing
2. Doesn't miss the toilet.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
77 life guides
1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
3. Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
4. When you say, “I love you”, mean it.
5. When you say, “I’m sorry”, look the person in the eye.
6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
7. Believe in love at first sight.
8. Never laugh at anyone’s dreams. People who don’t have dreams don’t have much.
9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it’s the only way to live life completely.
10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
11. Don’t judge people by their relatives.
12. Talk slowly, but think quickly.
13. When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask, “Why do you want to know?”
14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
15. Say “bless you” when you hear someone sneeze.
16. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
17. Remember the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.
18. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
19. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
21. Spend some time alone (make your own me time).
22. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
23. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
24. Read more books and watch less TV.
25. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll get to enjoy it a second time.
26. Trust in God, but lock your car (hahaha, i agree this one).
27. Create a loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil harmonious home.
28. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.
29. Read between the lines.
30. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
31. Be gentle with the earth.
32. Pray. There’s immeasurable power in it.
33. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
34. Mind your own business.
35. Don’t trust a man/woman who doesn’t close his/her eyes when you kiss.
36. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.
37. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth’s greatest satisfaction.
38. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
39. Learn the rules then break some.
40. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.
41. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
42. Remember that your character is your destiny.
43. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. (and it is good)
44. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
45. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
46. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch!
47. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
48. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
49. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
50. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
51. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
52. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
53. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
54. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
55. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
56. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
57. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
58. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
59. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special..
60. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
61. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple (well for me, it's red hehe).
62. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
63. Forgive-everyone-everything.
64. What other people think of you is none of your business.
65. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
66. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
67. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
68. Believe in miracles.
69. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
70. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
71. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
72. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
73. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s,we’d grab ours back.
74. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
75. The best is yet to come.
76. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
77. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift. So, thank God for it :)
inspiring words
someone like you
I am facing a new stage of life now, a higher relationship stage (with or without someone personally), where i have to do "take and give" at the same time or maybe more 'give' than 'take', because i do feel i haven't do it in my whole life as i did this year, with him. I gave him the power to break me, but trusting him not to. Gave him all the chances to prove his careness to me and people sorround me. Gave him times to share his world, while i share my world too. And I know that our future seems unsure, but, i'll cherish every moment for sure, thank you for being you, for helping me being me. I've taken my part, and now let me give you yours. Thank you, someone..
But, if you look closely you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find their way; someone trying to find their place; someone trying to find their self. Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied at barely getting by. But, that feeling is a lie and if you just hold on; just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find the way and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you.
inspiring words
Thursday, August 20, 2009
in college's maze
Berhubung blog ini adalah sarana saya menyampaikan uneg-uneg, jadi saya cerita disini aja deh tentang kuliah saya yang mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda kehebohan hehehe.. Saya sekarang udah semester 5, kalau fakultas lain, setau saya ya, udah ada kayak penjurusannya gitu, tapi di fakultas saya, kita ga kenal penjurusan. Kalau mau penjurusan, ya kita mesti lanjut ke S2. Jadi lulus ntar ya kayak dokter umum, pengetahuannya umum aja, ga spesialis pada satu bidang. Nah, kalau anak-anak lain pada penjurusan, itu berarti kuliahnya makin susah kan? Jangan pikir kita-kita ga ada penjurusan jadinya ga kesusahan, siapa bilang?? Sekarang baru aja 3 hari jadi anak semester 5 fakultas Psikologi, saya udah merasa kesusahan!
Saya nyadar kenapa semester 5 disebut titik jenuh kuliah. Saya sendiri capek kuliah, capek ngerjain tugas, capek menghapal (diktat Psikologi tebal-tebal kawan hehe), capek nunggu dosen (yah, kalau ujung-ujungnya pulang cepat sih gapapa ya hehe), dan capek-capek lainnya. Udah setengah jalan sih, udah nanggung mau pindah jurusan (hahahaha, udah amat sangat nanggung malah), udah mau lulus! Nah, pas kata-kata udah mau lulus dikemukakan, saya langsung pengen cepat-cepat lulus kuliah, dan itu artinya harus ngambil banyak mata kuliah, supaya cepat lulus. Amin paling lambat semester 8 saya udah lulus (crossing fingers!)
Saya pun langsung buka-buka catatan lama tentang mata kuliah, saya udah berhasil melewati 88 sks pada 4 semester ini, dengan nilai minimal B (amin lulus dengan sangat baik sekali) dan perlu 32 sks lagi sebelum bisa seminar proposal-semprol (untuk pengajuan skripsi!). Dan sekarang saya (tadinya sih) mengambil 24 sks untuk semester ini, untuk mempercepat si semprol itu. Tapi, saya harus bilang, saya merasa tak mampu lagi ngambil 24 sks di semester ini.
Mata kuliahnya parah-parah banget. Semua serba observasi, penelitian, jurnal, wawancara, ohhh tidakkk!!! Jadinya selama sehari kemaren, saya cuma bisa mikir tentang mata kuliah ini, ada ga yang bisa di-skip, meskipun merasa 'akan bisa' melewati semuanya dengan aman, tapi, kalau tidak maksimal? Kalau ujung-ujungnya cuma lulus dengan nilai C dan nyesel banget, gimana? Kalau akhirnya keteteran karena mata kuliah 'parah' itu, gimana? Saya ga boleh ambil resiko kan? Meskipun jadinya akan rada mundur (tapi lama-lama saya pikir, saya ga akan mundur untuk semprol sih, amin sekali lagi hehe), saya tetap memutuskan untuk mundur.
Jadilah, hari ini saya pergi ke Sekretariat untuk 'membuang' 1 mata kuliah, dan membiarkan saya konsen untuk menghadapi 22 sks di semester 5 ini. Dan bila lulus semua dengan baik, maka saya akan mengambil 20sks lagi (untuk beberapa mata kuliah pilihan yang belum kelar) sebelum semprol di semester 7. Kalau ga salah si begitu peraturannya hehehe.. Semoga semua aman-aman saja, ga ada yang 'mengganggu pikiran saya' seperti semester lalu. Puji Tuhan banget nilai saya ga turun di semester lalu, terima kasih untuk semua yang telah mendoakan dan menolong saya yang tukang bolos ini.
Oya, berkaitan dengan bolos-membolos, saya ga bisa bolos lagi semester ini. Tidak ada hari yang saya ikhlas bolos! Parah ga sih, bahkan di hari Jumat aja, saya harus cemas dengan mata kuliahnya. Huff, ga bisa maen-maen lagi deh untuk semester ini. Dan membolos adalah sesuatu yang 'tabu' bagi saya untuk sekarang-sekarang ini. Whuah, yang ada adalah saya harus konsen, khususnya untuk mata kuliah 'parah' itu, semoga nilainya bagus-bagus ya ntar hehehe.. Jadi, saya harus semangat untuk semester ini, belajar dengan rajin dan memfokuskan diri untuk kuliah, tidak untuk yang aneh-aneh. Semoga semua cita-cita dapat terwujud dengan baik dan lancar..
God bless me x)
Saya nyadar kenapa semester 5 disebut titik jenuh kuliah. Saya sendiri capek kuliah, capek ngerjain tugas, capek menghapal (diktat Psikologi tebal-tebal kawan hehe), capek nunggu dosen (yah, kalau ujung-ujungnya pulang cepat sih gapapa ya hehe), dan capek-capek lainnya. Udah setengah jalan sih, udah nanggung mau pindah jurusan (hahahaha, udah amat sangat nanggung malah), udah mau lulus! Nah, pas kata-kata udah mau lulus dikemukakan, saya langsung pengen cepat-cepat lulus kuliah, dan itu artinya harus ngambil banyak mata kuliah, supaya cepat lulus. Amin paling lambat semester 8 saya udah lulus (crossing fingers!)
Saya pun langsung buka-buka catatan lama tentang mata kuliah, saya udah berhasil melewati 88 sks pada 4 semester ini, dengan nilai minimal B (amin lulus dengan sangat baik sekali) dan perlu 32 sks lagi sebelum bisa seminar proposal-semprol (untuk pengajuan skripsi!). Dan sekarang saya (tadinya sih) mengambil 24 sks untuk semester ini, untuk mempercepat si semprol itu. Tapi, saya harus bilang, saya merasa tak mampu lagi ngambil 24 sks di semester ini.
Mata kuliahnya parah-parah banget. Semua serba observasi, penelitian, jurnal, wawancara, ohhh tidakkk!!! Jadinya selama sehari kemaren, saya cuma bisa mikir tentang mata kuliah ini, ada ga yang bisa di-skip, meskipun merasa 'akan bisa' melewati semuanya dengan aman, tapi, kalau tidak maksimal? Kalau ujung-ujungnya cuma lulus dengan nilai C dan nyesel banget, gimana? Kalau akhirnya keteteran karena mata kuliah 'parah' itu, gimana? Saya ga boleh ambil resiko kan? Meskipun jadinya akan rada mundur (tapi lama-lama saya pikir, saya ga akan mundur untuk semprol sih, amin sekali lagi hehe), saya tetap memutuskan untuk mundur.
Jadilah, hari ini saya pergi ke Sekretariat untuk 'membuang' 1 mata kuliah, dan membiarkan saya konsen untuk menghadapi 22 sks di semester 5 ini. Dan bila lulus semua dengan baik, maka saya akan mengambil 20sks lagi (untuk beberapa mata kuliah pilihan yang belum kelar) sebelum semprol di semester 7. Kalau ga salah si begitu peraturannya hehehe.. Semoga semua aman-aman saja, ga ada yang 'mengganggu pikiran saya' seperti semester lalu. Puji Tuhan banget nilai saya ga turun di semester lalu, terima kasih untuk semua yang telah mendoakan dan menolong saya yang tukang bolos ini.
Oya, berkaitan dengan bolos-membolos, saya ga bisa bolos lagi semester ini. Tidak ada hari yang saya ikhlas bolos! Parah ga sih, bahkan di hari Jumat aja, saya harus cemas dengan mata kuliahnya. Huff, ga bisa maen-maen lagi deh untuk semester ini. Dan membolos adalah sesuatu yang 'tabu' bagi saya untuk sekarang-sekarang ini. Whuah, yang ada adalah saya harus konsen, khususnya untuk mata kuliah 'parah' itu, semoga nilainya bagus-bagus ya ntar hehehe.. Jadi, saya harus semangat untuk semester ini, belajar dengan rajin dan memfokuskan diri untuk kuliah, tidak untuk yang aneh-aneh. Semoga semua cita-cita dapat terwujud dengan baik dan lancar..
God bless me x)
deepest heart
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
finally UP!
I planned myself to watch this movie from the begining of this month. First with Daling and Mama, but, i haven't watch it. I just watched it today, finally UP! I love this movie, so meaningful :) Suddenly i am gazing on my newest schedule, a terribe one, whuah, i have no break, hoping so much, my further weekends will be great, so i have more time to 'sweep' malls or go to cinema hahaha.. But, if i have time or if i get bore with college time, i'll do it more often. Actually it seems i'll have a very hard semester for my the sake of my early graduate, but, i'll do! With some fun to keep me UP! x)
Ah ya, when i was googling UP! poster, i found Upin and Ipin poster. Have you ever heard about them? They was human-cartoons from Malaysia. They are funny, with their Malay accent, looks, hey, you have to watch yourself to know them more. It looks like Unyil in Indonesia actually, but, in very good manner and 'religion knowledge', as they was actually like a guide for kids to learn about religion, life and Puasa to Lebaran. I wanna watch them again, eventhough it talks about Moslem thingy, i just love their manner as a kid, two thumbs up!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
'First Sunday'
Today is Sunday before i start my 5th term. It also started my 3rd years in Jakarta. I'd love to say it 'first Sunday', so i had past twice 'first Sunday' but it never this terrible and painful.
First Sunday on 2007, many people greet me good luck and success. I was currently still on phone with my ex, so he still accompany my first nights here. I have to thank him actually, because i haven't yet. Thank you. I remembered Winda, a girl from Lubuk Linggau, was the one, who cheered me up. My mom remembered Winda well too. I can't remembered well, who'd greet me on that Sunday. But, it was a lot. But the biggest supporter was there with me, Mamah :) I started my first day with mom, until the 3rd days and she went home again. I'll cherish that moment, i'll check my calender later to find the current date on my 'first Sunday'
First Sunday on 2008, i remembered well it was August 10. Mamah was with me too. So, we went to church together and continued to Mangdu afterward hehehe.. Many people greet me good luck too, especially from someone. And he kept greet me for the next semester, and for my great IP, i thanked him a month ago.
Today, First Sunday on 2009, i spent my day alone. After i felt so down, and had a very bad experience about something, i still gloomy today. But, thank you for Desipus, Angel, Inggi, Thio-san, Syl, Ando, bang Ferdy, kak Gaby and my whole family, they strenghtened me. My Almighty God especially. For the bad time and good time, i thank HIM.
And i know, the next two 'first Sunday' will be greater than today. As i planned to finish my college in 2011, i have two more 'first Sunday' and i have to cheer them. To make them meaningful, not just a whole-cry-day-to-spend, because it still happen this year. I never stop cried on the church, regreted what i've been in the previous year and hoping so much that i can do much greater in the further. So, I am ready to start my new term, and also will fulfill it with fun too. Happy 'first Sunday' fellas :)
First Sunday on 2007, many people greet me good luck and success. I was currently still on phone with my ex, so he still accompany my first nights here. I have to thank him actually, because i haven't yet. Thank you. I remembered Winda, a girl from Lubuk Linggau, was the one, who cheered me up. My mom remembered Winda well too. I can't remembered well, who'd greet me on that Sunday. But, it was a lot. But the biggest supporter was there with me, Mamah :) I started my first day with mom, until the 3rd days and she went home again. I'll cherish that moment, i'll check my calender later to find the current date on my 'first Sunday'
First Sunday on 2008, i remembered well it was August 10. Mamah was with me too. So, we went to church together and continued to Mangdu afterward hehehe.. Many people greet me good luck too, especially from someone. And he kept greet me for the next semester, and for my great IP, i thanked him a month ago.
Today, First Sunday on 2009, i spent my day alone. After i felt so down, and had a very bad experience about something, i still gloomy today. But, thank you for Desipus, Angel, Inggi, Thio-san, Syl, Ando, bang Ferdy, kak Gaby and my whole family, they strenghtened me. My Almighty God especially. For the bad time and good time, i thank HIM.
And i know, the next two 'first Sunday' will be greater than today. As i planned to finish my college in 2011, i have two more 'first Sunday' and i have to cheer them. To make them meaningful, not just a whole-cry-day-to-spend, because it still happen this year. I never stop cried on the church, regreted what i've been in the previous year and hoping so much that i can do much greater in the further. So, I am ready to start my new term, and also will fulfill it with fun too. Happy 'first Sunday' fellas :)
relieve weekend
I woke up yesterday by mom's call asked me about meeting my sister, Imelda, today. She was about going to Lampung, visited her nephew (our actually) Davon, who'd born on August 3. Actually i want to ask her to go to church with me today, but, she couldn't join me so i just met her to give 'seragam' for our cousin's wedding on October. So, me and Desi went to CL to meet her on Jco. I also told her, why i wanna go to church with them. With this labil emotion, i need someone older and wiser than me, and i could find it on Kak Ime and Kak Kiki, but, both of them busy this weekend, and i regreted myself, why don't i tell her previously so i can also join her very-short trip to Lampung, because the main aim is just give Davon a visit.
After that, me and Desipus had Naicha (Desi's favourite drink ever!) as lunch. The meal also, i have no complain about it, i am not in my good mood, for just to request something to eat or drink. About 1p.m., we headed to Thio's home to pick up my lappy and Education Psychology book. Stallone joined us. We forth had fun there, argued Shireen Sungkar and Alyssa Soebandone, meatballs (me and Stallone dislike meatballs, while Thio and Desi love it, iyuuu) and watched Take Me Out Indonesia. It was my first time watched that show, really. I am not a TV fan, i just watched programs which i knew before, so i watched it there. We argued there about some contestants, laughed and teased one another hehehe. Suddenly it turned out night, so me and Desipus went home, and i had dinner myself and watch Troy before slept(i watched it several times already but never finished it hahaha).
For this Saturday, i can say i love it. It was really a relieved weekend for me :)
After that, me and Desipus had Naicha (Desi's favourite drink ever!) as lunch. The meal also, i have no complain about it, i am not in my good mood, for just to request something to eat or drink. About 1p.m., we headed to Thio's home to pick up my lappy and Education Psychology book. Stallone joined us. We forth had fun there, argued Shireen Sungkar and Alyssa Soebandone, meatballs (me and Stallone dislike meatballs, while Thio and Desi love it, iyuuu) and watched Take Me Out Indonesia. It was my first time watched that show, really. I am not a TV fan, i just watched programs which i knew before, so i watched it there. We argued there about some contestants, laughed and teased one another hehehe. Suddenly it turned out night, so me and Desipus went home, and i had dinner myself and watch Troy before slept(i watched it several times already but never finished it hahaha).
For this Saturday, i can say i love it. It was really a relieved weekend for me :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
the past three years
I spent last night with cried all night long. Mom went to Manado today, so here i am, alone again in Jakarta, until i met friends next Monday or Tuesday. I felt so sad these 2 days. I cried so long, in my sleep positon, thought about everything. I am tired actually, after posting it, i will try to sleep, or i'll have fever. Well, actually not just because of being lonely i cried, but happiness, letting go, missing, and so on. It such a complicated feeling. And poor me, i still have to post from handphone due to i still don't have laptop by my side. But, the aim post isn't my sadness, but about my lovely inang.
She died on this date, August 14, three years ago. While me and mama in taxi after went to Grand Indonesia for having lunch, i remembered about inang suddenly. I missed her, i have to admit it. And the night, i read something so damn touchful about being mom-daughter, and i remembered mom and inang. I hope i can have a good relationship with mom. I realized i got less affection from mom (as Batakness mother), but i want to make it grower. I loved her. Especially in my years in Jakarta. I always wait for her call, her food, her apperance, her touch, her taste (hehehe, girl stuff), her gossip, her wardrobe (my mom is beautiful,she always looks good) etc. Whuah, i have to edit this blog i guess. I cried while writing, so i have to stop it. I'd better cry again, i can't help, i am so sad today. God bless people.
Finally i ended that day with cried. I have lunch at 3pm, almost faint and didn't have dinner. I felt so much lonely, so much regret of many things, between mom and him. Inang also came to my thought, i prayed for her and our whole family. Knowing that our grandparents always prayed for us from above sometime heal my worries. But, for that day,it helped nothing. I cried from morning up to dawn, because of 2 stupid persons' miscall.
The good thing i did on that day was, cleaned up my room and arranged my wardrobe. And also testing my newest dresses, shoes, shirts and bags and make them all matching! Hahaha, i have many of them now. And i just don't know where to put all of them! It just full in my wardrobes hehe.. So, i seperated some of my 'baju rumah' to give to Desi's maid, maybe on Monday. But, all my 'baju keluar' still on my wardrobe, i'll think later to give some.
And bang Ferdy made my night. With his silly chat, he made me laugh, a loud one and first of that day. How he made joke about words starts from G. I told it to Thio straightly, he laughed too hehehe. I'll go to Thio's home tomorrow (Saturday) with Desipus after met my sister in Jco. Saturday turns better actually :)
She died on this date, August 14, three years ago. While me and mama in taxi after went to Grand Indonesia for having lunch, i remembered about inang suddenly. I missed her, i have to admit it. And the night, i read something so damn touchful about being mom-daughter, and i remembered mom and inang. I hope i can have a good relationship with mom. I realized i got less affection from mom (as Batakness mother), but i want to make it grower. I loved her. Especially in my years in Jakarta. I always wait for her call, her food, her apperance, her touch, her taste (hehehe, girl stuff), her gossip, her wardrobe (my mom is beautiful,she always looks good) etc. Whuah, i have to edit this blog i guess. I cried while writing, so i have to stop it. I'd better cry again, i can't help, i am so sad today. God bless people.
Finally i ended that day with cried. I have lunch at 3pm, almost faint and didn't have dinner. I felt so much lonely, so much regret of many things, between mom and him. Inang also came to my thought, i prayed for her and our whole family. Knowing that our grandparents always prayed for us from above sometime heal my worries. But, for that day,it helped nothing. I cried from morning up to dawn, because of 2 stupid persons' miscall.
The good thing i did on that day was, cleaned up my room and arranged my wardrobe. And also testing my newest dresses, shoes, shirts and bags and make them all matching! Hahaha, i have many of them now. And i just don't know where to put all of them! It just full in my wardrobes hehe.. So, i seperated some of my 'baju rumah' to give to Desi's maid, maybe on Monday. But, all my 'baju keluar' still on my wardrobe, i'll think later to give some.
And bang Ferdy made my night. With his silly chat, he made me laugh, a loud one and first of that day. How he made joke about words starts from G. I told it to Thio straightly, he laughed too hehehe. I'll go to Thio's home tomorrow (Saturday) with Desipus after met my sister in Jco. Saturday turns better actually :)
deepest heart,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
i won't edit this blog
Hehehe,i hope this one is my last blog from handphone,so i decided not to edit it hehehe.. I have complicated feeling now, and i don't know to explain. I can't reveal it personally here, because it might hurt myself than them. So, i just can say, i am tired these 2 months, body and mind, and next week i will start my 5th term. I hope i can do better this term, get many good things too, whuah, bless me, Lord. I am nothing without You. I will end this blog with my night pray. "Dear God,........ (He'd already known my prays before i told Him)......... Amen!". I love You, Lord.
deepest heart
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
bacaan malam
Miss you,bloggie *smooch smooch* Saya kangen buka blog dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk nge-blog malam ini. Beberapa hari ini kerja saya menyibukkan diri dengan kegiatan positif, jalan-jalan, makan-makan dan belanja-belanja hahaha, sok mellow gitu ceritanya hahaha, tapi untuk hal yang bodoh banget untuk di-mellowkan. Tapi, saya enjoy semuanya, disamping saya dapat banyak banget barang, ga perlu dibilang disini deh, saya bisa malu banget karena belanjaannya dari penting banget sampe ga penting banggeetttt hahaha. Menyenangkan banget, dan tidak sehat. Saya jadi makan sembarangan dan naiklah si badan karena saya makan mulu, dan senangnya pas tadi ketemu Yoan, eh dia bilang tambah kurus hehehe, wah badan, turunlah dikau lagi dan lagi (dan saya pun akan dimarahin lagi dan lagi sampai badan saya turun lagi hehe).
Nah, sekarang saya lagi kosong, ga sibuk apa-apa di malam ini. Saya jadi ingat kata-kata dosen yang nyuruh kita supaya membaca sebelum tidur. Dan ini saya, membaca buku aneh tapi pintar tentang presiden Indonesia dari masa ke masa. Lihat deh gambarnya di twitter saya, kayaknya sih dah kepasang. Bukannya lucu, setidaknya ga berat untuk jadi bacaan malam. Saya kurang banyak baca akhir-akhir ini dan kayaknya waktu-waktu ini tepat untuk mulai rajin lagi hehe. Well, ntar lagi saya lanjutin deh, saya masih post lewat hp, jadi binging ceritanya hehe.. Nitez bloggie :)
Nah, sekarang saya lagi kosong, ga sibuk apa-apa di malam ini. Saya jadi ingat kata-kata dosen yang nyuruh kita supaya membaca sebelum tidur. Dan ini saya, membaca buku aneh tapi pintar tentang presiden Indonesia dari masa ke masa. Lihat deh gambarnya di twitter saya, kayaknya sih dah kepasang. Bukannya lucu, setidaknya ga berat untuk jadi bacaan malam. Saya kurang banyak baca akhir-akhir ini dan kayaknya waktu-waktu ini tepat untuk mulai rajin lagi hehe. Well, ntar lagi saya lanjutin deh, saya masih post lewat hp, jadi binging ceritanya hehe.. Nitez bloggie :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
the other one
I don't know why but i can't edit my previous blogs, which i wrote and post by phone, so, i decided to post a new blog to make my last post clear. Last night, i said i have 2 sad things, one is about Mbah Surip sudden death yesterday, and the other one is i can't blog for two weeks or more, due to something really important. I can't tweet either. Is't it a sad thing? I hope i can post something today as my last post for these weeks, but i hate to post by phone. My laptop still not with me and i won't be able to take it until next 2 weeks. So, i just can enjoy my days with my beloved one, while i also will check my ym account, because i am waiting for someone to reply my message hehe.. I don't know it is good or not for me to make him enter my life after someone broke it and i still can't think well about our problems. All i know is i have my own life, and i have a full right to let someone enter my life, or out of my life if they are not suit on me. I'll have great days without blog or tweet ( i still hoping i can tweet real soon). It's all for today, if i have laptop back i'll edit my posts and promise to put pictures of my beloved ones there. Enjoy your day ya :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
mom vs ice cream
I had a very great day with mom today. After has been starving the whole night, we went to Rice Bowl to had our early lunch. I missed my "bebek panggang" and mom wanted her guave juice while i just have watermelon juice plus no ice and sugar. Can you imagine how its like? Hehe.. After that we swept all floors in Citraland, wanna find something for daddy while waited for mom's bag to be finished. Something happened with that at the time, so we wasted our free time in J.Co. I had J.Cool for the very first time, and sorry to say, to all Sour Sally lovers, i tasted J.Cool better than Plain Sour Sally. Really!hehe.. I guess it consists with lots of milk, that's why it taste better in my tongue. But, their mochi tasted similar, or i can say the same mochi. Everytime i went to Sour Sally, the only topping i wanted was mochi, great mochi ever hehe..
Then, we went to Siloam Hospital to meet my aunt, and had such a long chitchat there, while i always refused to be 'something' this October. Oh, i hope i can find my new bf so i can refuse it easily. But, it will make mw facing another 'something' if i introduce someone, wah, quite a weird problem to solve, huh? Let me think later, all i wanna think about good things for the next week :)
Finished our chitchat, we moved to Senayan City. And you know that they had my Dairy Queen, but mom insisted me not to eat ice cream at that time, because i had eaten many ice creams. If i'm not mistaken i spent my previous week with single Cornetto Mini, or two hehe.. I never regreted myself everytime i ate them, so i continued eating it day by day. And i just realize, i am getting bigger now! Nayyy!! After many times people asked me to eat a lot, here i am on my 1kg fat added hehe (bener ga tuh grammarnya?hahaha). So, i have no ice cream for today, just a yogurt and mochi. And the biggest thing for today was my mom's CROCS! Hahaha, finally one of us bought it. Daddy wanted it too, but i thought daddy won't use it, too weird for daddy. But, my mom liked it, felt comfortable and liked its color, not a shocked color one. I was almost buy it, but, i guessed a dress or two and a shoes sounds greater than just a-funny-sandals like CROCS. We laughed a lot there, because me and mom firstly disagree to buy it, we hate actually hahaha..
We ended our journey today with had early dinner in Senci, and met Judika and his gf, mom was thrilled. She admired Judika with his humble heart, she believed that Judika is a good Bataknese man. While his gf, Duma Silalahi has a-long-family-connection with me, and she even had slept in my grandpa's home when she was in high school, as my aunt said me. Well, nice to meet them too, mom kept asked me to take picture with him but i refused it several times because it thought they both had deep discussion with their friends and expected no one will bother them. So, we went home, and now i wanna sleep because i'll have another great day tomorrow. And 2 sad things will follow this blog, one Mbah Surip died this noon, knew it from Tora Sudiro first, i thought it was a joke, but i read in Insert and had to believe that it was true. Suddenly i miss Enos, we often sang his song when Enos went out "rewel" hehe. And now his gone, so, good bye. No need to gloom, at least he had proved that he is useful man to his family with his popular song "tak gendong". Well, nitez fellas :)
-no edited actually-
Then, we went to Siloam Hospital to meet my aunt, and had such a long chitchat there, while i always refused to be 'something' this October. Oh, i hope i can find my new bf so i can refuse it easily. But, it will make mw facing another 'something' if i introduce someone, wah, quite a weird problem to solve, huh? Let me think later, all i wanna think about good things for the next week :)
Finished our chitchat, we moved to Senayan City. And you know that they had my Dairy Queen, but mom insisted me not to eat ice cream at that time, because i had eaten many ice creams. If i'm not mistaken i spent my previous week with single Cornetto Mini, or two hehe.. I never regreted myself everytime i ate them, so i continued eating it day by day. And i just realize, i am getting bigger now! Nayyy!! After many times people asked me to eat a lot, here i am on my 1kg fat added hehe (bener ga tuh grammarnya?hahaha). So, i have no ice cream for today, just a yogurt and mochi. And the biggest thing for today was my mom's CROCS! Hahaha, finally one of us bought it. Daddy wanted it too, but i thought daddy won't use it, too weird for daddy. But, my mom liked it, felt comfortable and liked its color, not a shocked color one. I was almost buy it, but, i guessed a dress or two and a shoes sounds greater than just a-funny-sandals like CROCS. We laughed a lot there, because me and mom firstly disagree to buy it, we hate actually hahaha..
We ended our journey today with had early dinner in Senci, and met Judika and his gf, mom was thrilled. She admired Judika with his humble heart, she believed that Judika is a good Bataknese man. While his gf, Duma Silalahi has a-long-family-connection with me, and she even had slept in my grandpa's home when she was in high school, as my aunt said me. Well, nice to meet them too, mom kept asked me to take picture with him but i refused it several times because it thought they both had deep discussion with their friends and expected no one will bother them. So, we went home, and now i wanna sleep because i'll have another great day tomorrow. And 2 sad things will follow this blog, one Mbah Surip died this noon, knew it from Tora Sudiro first, i thought it was a joke, but i read in Insert and had to believe that it was true. Suddenly i miss Enos, we often sang his song when Enos went out "rewel" hehe. And now his gone, so, good bye. No need to gloom, at least he had proved that he is useful man to his family with his popular song "tak gendong". Well, nitez fellas :)
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Monday, August 3, 2009
Hai, bloggie. Sorry because i can't post many things here as i wish i can, due to i can't blog from laptop until the middle of this month. So, i decided to post important ones for me. Yesterday after had service, me and my family ate out at Ayam Lesehan Semarangan. Have you read my post about it? And, we requested ayam goreng, gudeg, soto ayam, sop buntut dan tahu tempe bacem! Hahaha, all of us felt goddamn full, i even couldn't sit "lesehan" so i moved to a table with Sintong after i washed my hands hehe.. And for today, i went to Green Garden Restaurant to have my Nasi Goreng Babi Bakar and Vanilla Ice Cappucino while waiting for Darling to come and join us. It was my last meal in Manado, because i headed back to Jakarta today by Garuda Indonesia.
And here i am, after swept my room, made it more clean now, i gotta sleep. Because tomorrow, me and mom has many schedule. And i planned myself to watch UP 3d, anyone have suggestion where do i have to watch? I've watched it once in Manado actually, but i want to watch it in 3d, it will be greater i bet. So, can't wait for tomorrow, beside i'm getting hungry now, seriously hehe.. Oya, last good news, i have a nephew now! And it means, i am an aunty now hehe.. So happy to know about that, hope i can see the baby soon or in October. Well, off for today, good nite :)
And here i am, after swept my room, made it more clean now, i gotta sleep. Because tomorrow, me and mom has many schedule. And i planned myself to watch UP 3d, anyone have suggestion where do i have to watch? I've watched it once in Manado actually, but i want to watch it in 3d, it will be greater i bet. So, can't wait for tomorrow, beside i'm getting hungry now, seriously hehe.. Oya, last good news, i have a nephew now! And it means, i am an aunty now hehe.. So happy to know about that, hope i can see the baby soon or in October. Well, off for today, good nite :)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
hope in this August
Welcome to August! It's our winning month, for the last 64 years. But, in this August, i also feel win of something. I won my stubborness this term by getting good mark (very good mark among all term ever). And get new spirit to begin my new term, wow, i just can't believe i am on my 5th term on college. I have past half path to get my bachelor degree. I hope i can finish my college in the next 2 years then continue with mastering it. I believe God had planned me all the best, so i have to believe and do on His way. Amen!
I'm getting ready now hehe..
I'm getting ready now hehe..
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