Saturday, January 8, 2011


Was blogwalking and found these stuff. Do bold yours. 


1) Striped. > underwears and shirts hehe
2) Winter vacation. > daddy, can i have it this year?
3) Minty breath.
4) Warm hands. > I got it in him cause mine is cold. huhu
5) Sublime.
6) Proving people wrong.
7) Sketching.
8) Steel drums.
9) Tampons.
10) The Sims 2. > Yeah, although i haven't play The Sims again for years. hehe
11) Kissing. > :*
12) Backpacks. > I'll like to try it sometime.
13) Cloudy weather. > let's sleep!
14) Picking out presents for people. > And vice versa of course. Hahaha.
15) Kevin Flamme. 
16) Boys. > I'm a girl.
17) Old movies. > cartoons especially.
18) Reminiscing. > the good and the bad. the happy and the sad.
19) Mario Party.
20) Orange juice.
21) Interesting people.
22) Late-night texting. > Now late-night calling :)
23) Cool teachers. > and lectures.
24) Levi jeans. > they fit in me.
25) The city bus.
26) Cardigans. > i wear it to campus
27) Sneezing.
28) Drinking cold water.
29) Finding money in my pockets. > i love it. hahaha.
30) Making connections.
31) Books. > good books for sure.
32) Bolding surveys.
33) A clean bedroom.
34) Collages.
35) Meeting people.
36) Comfortable positions. > who doesn’t?  
37) Headphones.
38) Marathons.
39) Packing to go somewhere. > rempong and excited at the same time. Ihiyy!
40) Mascara.
41) Daydreaming. > like now.
42) Possibilities.
43) Ramen.
44) Notepads. > i am dependent with memopad on blackberry.
45) Burt’s Bees.
46) Babysitting. > come to mama :)
47) Actually getting homework done. > yapp, of course.
48) Feeling good about myself. > It's the best feeling in the world!
49) Complimenting people.
50) Post Secret.
51) Confiding in people. 
52) Themed things. > i did to my wardrobe.
53) T shirts.

54) Gentlemen. > especially with Broery's voice. hahaha.
55) Singing harmonies.
56) Being surprised. > as much as i hate it, i guess. hehehe.

57) New clothes. > err, i haven't shop this year. haha.
58) Target.
59) Long eyelashes. > can i exchange mine with brother's?
60) Bright Eyes. > *wink wink
61) Naps. > hooammzz.
62) Nicely-dressed boys. > with a nice hair cut. 
63) Barack Obama.
64) Tweezed eyebrows.
65) Inside jokes. > it's a bit embarrasing but i do love my own joke and often laughing about it again alone. hahaha.
66) Eye-contact.
67) Acronyms.
68) Thinking.
69) Animals.
70) Collecting turtles.
71) Understanding. > no doubt!
72) Friendship bracelets.
73) Meaningful items. > for being so meaningful
74) Simon & Garfunkel.
75) Silly pictures. > hahaha, i do like it.
76) Raspberries.
77) Not going to school. > err, i like it (sometimes). hehe.
78) Star Trek.
79) Reading blogs. > of course.
80) Showering away problems. > hush hush.
81) Worn-in shoes.
82) Paranormal televison shows.
83) Facebook chat.
84) Baked ziti.
85) Visiting my elementary school.
86) Soft blankets. > And warm ones too, since I chill easily..
87) Big words.
88) Staying up late. > for good reasons. 
89) Second chances. > Who doesn't want this?
90) Piggy-back rides.
91) Saying words over and over until they sound really strange.
92) Surrealism.
93) The feeling of relief after going pee. > hihihi, can i bold it twice?
94) Home videos. > but i also like theater.
95) Unusual names. > I was born to create them. Hahaha.
96) Diving boards.
97) Smilies. > :) :) :)
98) Cats.
99) Feeling better. > And feeling best afterward.
100) Considerate people

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