29/12 : the midnight. Angel texted me first, then Thio, Yolan and Andi. Well, waiting for his sms actually, or maybe a call-i expected a call actually hehe.. But, nothing was coming until noon! Oh my God, where is he?? It's my big day! CAN'T YOU FEEL WHAT I FEEL?? Then, i texted me while me and my family went to Hotel Sedona, Manado to have a western lunch in that restaurant. Guess what? An apology. He said he's gonna text me a minute before midnight. So i said, i didn't want it! He made me that mad!! Uhhh, i don't like it haha..
After having lunch, we went home, bang Olop came to gave me his and Kgab presents and we take some rest, before went to KFC that night. I just wanted to meet Angel that night, took her present for me and ate some banana fried in The Boulevard. Well, that's my birthday, at the night, finally he called me and say sorry. Uhh, i'm so bete bete ah hahahaha..
30/12 : Thio texted me in the morning, ask me to accompany him watching Madagascar 2-Escape to Africa with him. Me and Angel just agreed with that. Then, i asked my brothers Sintong and Daling to join us too. We had lunch in Ta Wan Restaurant, just three of us, me, Sintong and Angel. Thio have already lunch before we met, so he bought our tickets while we eating and waiting for Daling to come. Loloy and Mamon also greet me Happy Birthday there and also join us watching Madagascar 2. What a funny movie hahaha. Then, me, Daling and Angel continued our walk to Multi Mart 2 to see the sky bridge for Angel haven't see it yet hahaha.. After we bought some drinks and Angel's stuff, we went to Multi Mart 1, to change Timezone tickets and we home with father. I was tired these whole days. Well, happy belated to me :)
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