Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I'm nineteen finally!

28/12 : I felt so bad today. I have nothing to buy, not because i don't have money, but because my father didn't allow me to buy anything in Manado. I know that i could find the better ones in Jakarta, but, i want him to buy me, not me buying my self. How pity i am hehe.. I just want him choosing something for me, than i'll take care of that cause it's my father's choice. I always buy everything myself, i want him buying me something. Huh!

29/12 : the midnight. Angel texted me first, then Thio, Yolan and Andi. Well, waiting for his sms actually, or maybe a call-i expected a call actually hehe.. But, nothing was coming until noon! Oh my God, where is he?? It's my big day! CAN'T YOU FEEL WHAT I FEEL?? Then, i texted me while me and my family went to Hotel Sedona, Manado to have a western lunch in that restaurant. Guess what? An apology. He said he's gonna text me a minute before midnight. So i said, i didn't want it! He made me that mad!! Uhhh, i don't like it haha..

My name-sand-made

After having lunch, we went home, bang Olop came to gave me his and Kgab presents and we take some rest, before went to KFC that night. I just wanted to meet Angel that night, took her present for me and ate some banana fried in The Boulevard. Well, that's my birthday, at the night, finally he called me and say sorry. Uhh, i'm so bete bete ah hahahaha..

30/12 : Thio texted me in the morning, ask me to accompany him watching Madagascar 2-Escape to Africa with him. Me and Angel just agreed with that. Then, i asked my brothers Sintong and Daling to join us too. We had lunch in Ta Wan Restaurant, just three of us, me, Sintong and Angel. Thio have already lunch before we met, so he bought our tickets while we eating and waiting for Daling to come. Loloy and Mamon also greet me Happy Birthday there and also join us watching Madagascar 2. What a funny movie hahaha. Then, me, Daling and Angel continued our walk to Multi Mart 2 to see the sky bridge for Angel haven't see it yet hahaha.. After we bought some drinks and Angel's stuff, we went to Multi Mart 1, to change Timezone tickets and we home with father. I was tired these whole days. Well, happy belated to me :)

Three of us in Ta Wan

Saturday, December 27, 2008

the spirit of christmas

Yup yup, i miss christmas for two days, but i didn't miss its spirit. Because the most important things in christmas is its spirit. Feel it, do it, and share it.

Well, i have this things from a friend of mine. Enjoy it!

The Holy Alphabet

Whoever came up with this one must have been filled with the Holy Spirit!

Although things are not perfect,
Because of trial or pain,
Continue in thanksgiving
Don't even think to blame.
Even when the times are hard,
Fierce winds are bound to blow,
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know.
Imagine life without His love,
Joy would cease to be,
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts thee to see.
Move out of 'Camp Complaining',
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone.
Quit worrying about the future,
Redeem the time at hand,
Start every day with prayer
To 'thank' is God's command.
Until we see Him coming,
Victorious in the sky,
We'll run the race with gratitude,
Xalting God most high.
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but....
Zion waits in glory... where none are ever sad!

So, Happy Christmas, mate!

counting hours to be 19!

Hahaha.. Itu beneran, dalam beberapa jam aku akan jadi 19 tahun. Tapi malas ngitung ni tinggal berapa jam lagi, mending dijalani biasa aja, supaya aku ga cemas sendiri hahaha, padahal apa coba yang harus ditakutin? hehe..

Wah, aku mau cerita tentang minggu ini. Minggu yang panjang, padat. Tapi, ada yang aneh, orang-orang pada sepi ni mau Natalan di rumah. Bingung. Dulu tuh kayaknya banyak banget yang datang, sampai bingung mau nyiapin kue, nah sekarang, kita gitu yang makanin kue, wah, aneh kan? Ada fruitty cake, black forest, dan 1 lagi tuh dari saudara, bikin aku menggendut aja ni hahaha.. Gimana ni?

Anyway, all i wanna say is i am thinking that i'm growing old now hahaha.. Serious! Well happy will being 19 to me hahaha..

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hari ini kebagian maen di kantor papa. Wah, telah lama ga nge-blog plus buka-buka si situs-situs pertemanan, mau nge-cek berbagai perkembangan hehe.. Nah, di hari ke-4 di Manado, akhirnya aku punya kesempatan ini (Thanks, God)

Abisnya, di Jakarta aku punya internet 24 jam nonstop dan sekarang di Manado, aku ga punya akses sama sekali, wah, menyedihkan bukan kawan? Tapi, dah aku pikirin sih, dibawa enaknya aja ni, daripada ngeluh mulu.. Iya ga? hehe..

Aku dah ikut Natal gereja hari Senin lalu, dan mendapatkan berbagai reaksi yang mengatakan aku makin kurus. Yah, Kak Beka cukup ekstrim bilang aku terlalu kurus! Wow, emang segitunya ya? Yah, aku si ngerasa rada kurus, tapi ga sampai segitu kurus hahaha.. Tapi, ada yang aku sebel dari acara itu, yah, ada komen dan tatapan yang aku ga suka. Kenapa mesti segitunya memperhatikan gosip-gosip si? Aku pengen enjoy ngapa-ngapain selama itu bukan dosa. Bisa ga kalian juga bersikap yang sama? Aku pengen liburan, jauh dari kemiringan-kemiringan itu. Can I?

Huh, jadi malas ni. Tapi, bentar lagi mau ke Pongkor. Hooray! Mau makan ikan mujair bakar rica, kangkung cah, dan jus jeruk. Wah, indahnya hidup ini hahahaha.. God bless us all :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

twilight - winter wonderland

Akhirnya aku nonton twilight juga setelah Ing dan Lin jejalin segala macam tetek bengeknya dalam minggu ini. Wah, pusing juga lama-lama dan emang penasaran seberapa bagusnya film itu. Berhubung hari ini hari terakhir ujian dan aku belum tidur abis ngerjain kepemimpinan, jadi aku iyain aja ajakan nonton disamping kalau weekend bangkrut mau nonton, mahal boo hahaha.. Ga juga sih sebenarnya, tapi aku dan Desipus dah punya banyak rencana di weekend ini, salah satunya adalah ke Mangga Dua, mungkin hari ini malah.

Trus, kita nonton deh sama Siska. Biasa aja sih menurutku. Katanya si Cedric ganteng disitu, tapi pas dia kena ujan aja kayaknya, selebihnya ia terlalu pucat - yah, vampir kan memang harus pucat mukanya hehe.. Tapi, gitu deh, ga gitu menarik, mana lagi Siska sesi curhat di sebelah dan bereaksi berlebihan akan tiap adegan - khususnya yang romantis atau setidaknya ada bumbu-bumbu romantisnya haha.. Please ah, Siska.. Calm down hahaha..

Abis itu, kita makan di Noodle Cafe, nge-cek barang-barang diskon di Parisian, ke ATM, trus ke Winter Wonderland, foto-foto deh. Tapi, Siska ga mau difoto, entah kenapa. Jadi dia bisa ngambil foto aku, Desipus ma Arlene deh. Senangnya :)

Ngantuk ni, aku curhat-an ma Bang Ferdy malam ni. Ada hal penting yang Kgab bilang sih tadi, aku jadi kepikiran. Hwuah, aku cuma mau tidur enak malam ini dan malam-malam selanjutnya di Manado. Capek kuliah, malas mikir yang susah-susah ni. Good night everybody!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dec 14, 2008

I'm counting that day.
I'll be in home on that day.
That day is getting near.
I am so happy :)

barack obama

Whuih, i've just finished my Obama Paper for Psikologi Kepemimpinan. Spent all the night analyze it, while having coversation with abang too, a serious one, but he got slept hahaha..

Anyway, because i have been analyze him, it means i have to do a little research on him. I browsed some material from google and wikipedia about him. And, i have one big (i have to tell it big) invented *i am so lebai this morning hehe* about 51 facts you and all of us should be don't know.
Here's the list :

1. Gemar mengkoleksi komik “Spider-Man” dan “Conan the Barbarian”

2. Dikenal sebagai “O’Bomber” saat SMU karena jago basket

3. Namanya berarti “orang yang diberkati” dalam bahasa Swahili

4. Hidangan favoritnya adalah linguini udang buatan sang istri, Michelle.

5. Meraih Grammy tahun 2006 untuk kategori versi audio bukunya, “Dreams From My Father”

6. Bertangan Kidal, dia adalah presiden kidal ke-6 pasca perang

7. Telah membaca semua buku Harry Potter

8. Punya satu set sarung tinju merah bertanda tangan Muhammad Ali

9. Saat remaja bekerja di toko eskrim Baskin-Robbins tapi sekarang tidak bisa makan eskrim

10.Kudapan kesukaannya adalah batang coklat-kacang penuh protein

11. Mampu berbahasa Spanyol

12. Saat kampanye tidak mau nonton CNN dan memilih saluran olah raga

13. Minuman kesukaannya adalah “black forest berry iced tea”

14. Berjanji pada Michelle akan berhenti merokok sebelum kampanye

15. Dikenal sebagai Barry hingga saat di universitas, dia diminta menuliskan nama panjangnya

16. Buku favoritnya adalah Moby-Dick karya Herman Melville

17. Berkunjung ke Wokingham, Berks, tahun 1996 untuk menghadiri pesta yang diselenggarakan tunangan saudara perempuan satu ayah, tapi dia pergi saat penari telanjang tiba.

18. Mejanya di kantor Senat pernah digunakan Robert Kennedy

19. Tahun lalu bersama istrinya, Michelle, meraup 4.2 juta dolar (lebih dari Rp42 miliar) , sebagian besar adalah hasil penjualan bukunya.

20. Film kesukaannya adalah Casablanca dan One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

21. Dia menyimpan patung kecil Bunda Maria dan kalung milik seorang tentara di Irak

22. Melamar untuk jadi model kalender kampus saat di Harvard tapi ditolak oleh panitia yang semuanya perempuan.

23. Musik kegemarannya antara lain Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach dan The Fugees

24. Pertama kali nonton bioskop dengan Michelle adalah film “Do The Right Thing” karya Spike Lee

25. Senang bermain scrabble dan poker

26. Tidak minum kopi dan jarang minum alkohol

27. Kalau tidak jadi politisi kemungkinan jadi arsitek

28. Saat remaja sempat terlibat mariyuana dan kokain

29. Anak perempuannya bercita-cita sekolah di Yale lalu jadi aktris (Malia, 10) . Anaknya yang lain, Sasha (7) ingin jadi penyanyi dan penari.

30. Tidak suka tren anak muda yang memakai celana panjang kedodoran

31. Baru melunasi cicilan biaya kuliahnya empat tahun lalu setelah menerbitkan buku

32. Rumahnya di Chicago punya empat tungku perapian

33. Orang tua baptis anaknya, Malia, adalah Santita, anak tokoh politik berkulit hitam, Jesse Jackson

34. Mengaku punya kebiasaan paling jelek yaitu selalu mencek BlackBerry-nya.

35. Menggunakan laptop Apple Mac

36. Menggunakan mobil Ford Escape Hybrid setelah meninggalkan Chrysler 300 yang boros BBM

37. Mengenakan stelan Hart Schaffner Marx seharga 1500 dolar

38. Punya empat pasang sepatu hitam ukuran 11 yang sama persis

39. Pangkas rambut sepekan sekali di Chicago oleh pencukur Zariff yang ongkosnya 21 dolar

40. Fiksi kesukaannya di televisi adalah Mash dan The Wire

41. Nama sandinya di Secret Service (pengawal presiden) adalah “Renegade”

42. Julukan dari mendiang neneknya adalah “Bar”

43. Punya rencana membuat lapangan basket di Gedung Putih

44. Seniman favoritnya adalah Pablo Picasso

45. Pintar memasuk chilli

46. Di mejanya ada ukiran kayu berupa tangan memegang telur. Lambang itu di Kenya berarti hidup adalah rapuh

47. Mendiang ayahnya adalah ekonom senior untuk pemerintah Kenya

48. Kuat mengangkat barbel seberat 200lbs

49. Saat di Indonesia banyak temannya adalah “street urchins” (anak-anak yang lebih banyak di luar rumah).

50. Ketika tinggal di Indonesia memelihara monyet bernama Tata

51. Pernah makan daging anjing, ular, dan belalang bakar saat di Indonesia.

I laughed my self while reading it, can't believe that pers put him like a celebrity so much. Well, he is the #1 US President now, we should be respect on him, rather then ask him about his favourite foods. Well, i don't have any right to judge Mr. President, i just wanna share his profile to my lovely bloggie..

undercover ; abang cemburu dan rada bete tuh pas aku bilang Obama adalah pria tersayang no 1 di hatiku, jadinya dia minta disebut yang no 1, untuk menggantikan posisi Obama. Ya aku ganti aja, abang jadi pria tersayang no 1, dan Obama no 1,5-nya hahaha.. what a funny abang for that night, before he got more serious last night..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

my new shout on facebook

..smiling will brighten your face,
laughing will
enhance your eyes,
and falling in love will
change your life.

sweety is sleepy

I wrote something funny sms for abang..
I laughed myself, didn't expect i could be that funny tonight hehe..
Here is my sms..

don't know what to say, just drop by and say hi sleepy..
if you think you read sweety, it means you are sleepy sweety haha

Got the point, guys? hehe
Which one do you wanna prefer?
Sleepy or sweety?
Mm, I guess i'll take his both for tonight hehe..
You have to thank God, bang hahaha..

Monday, December 8, 2008

welcoming my new babe

enjoying my plurk , guys!


K Cheryl baru wisuda Sabtu lalu. Aku dan Desi diundang untuk ikut datang di acara itu. Jadinya, aku dan Desi pergi ke Depok bareng Arlen dari hari Jumat hingga Minggu lalu. Wah, jadi ikut serta mempersiapkan acaranya dan segala keribetannya. Dan, normalnya adalah aku jadi mikir, ntar pas aku wisuda gimana ya?

Nah, melihat segala persiapan, termasuk foto keluarga dan ibadah pada malam harinya, aku jadi kebayang gitu kalau aku yang wisuda. Keluargaku akan datang - secara aku tinggal sendiri di Jakarta - kalau opung masih hidup - aku berdoa untuk itu - pasti opung akan datang. Mungkin keluarga lainnya juga dan pasti akan menginap di rumah Tangerang. Yang kubayangkan adalah kita akan makan keluarga saja, ibadahnya sih aku harap diadakan di Manado, tempat ternyamanku sedunia hehe..

Trus, ada foto keluarga, nah, yang aku bingung, ntar siapa yang mau make up-in aku. Aku bukan miss sallon, jadi gimana aku bisa menemukan orang yang mau bangun untuk make up-in aku di pagi hari jika aku dapat shift pagi wisudanya? Nah loh haha.. Jauh amat ya aku dah mikir sampai ke situnya, padahal, kejadian itu mungkin baru akan terjadi minimal 2 tahun dari sekarang. Aku punya target lulus 4tahun sih, moga-moga tercapai, IP tetap dapat dipertahankan.

Dan, 1 lagi hal yang aku harapkan, di saat aku lulus, aku lagi punya pacar! Aku mau ada orang yang kusayangi menemaniku dalam masa-masa perjuangan itu. Pacar yang tidak meninggalkanku karena kena marah mulu jika skripsiku susah dibuat. Maunya punya pacar yang sangat menyupport dan alangkah baiknya dia udah skripsi jadi aku bisa dengar kata-katanya hehe.. Menantikan kamu, sayang, datanglah segera :)

Namun, di atas semuanya, aku senang pula, hari Minggu nanti aku dah pulang Manado. Bertemu dengan mamapapa, Sintong dan Daling yang amat-sangat-kurindukan. Semoga liburan Natal ini akan menyenangkan dan membahagiakan.

Selamat menyambut Natal kawan-kawan..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

asking my self

why am i so adorable?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

am i?

We must get our hearts broken sometimes. This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.
~Eat. Pray. Love. by Elizabeth Gilbert

Aku ga lagi patah hati atau putus cinta sih, cuma mungkin lagi jatuh cinta..
Hwuah, aku takut jatuh cinta ><

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas to come!

Loloy took this picture in Plaza Indonesia,
this Christmas tree was a simple one,
but i love it.
Love it, cause i feel that Christmas is so close now,
hoping so much i can go to Manado as soon as posible
to celebrate it..
Miss the cake, the food, the decoration,
miss my precious family so much..

I'll be home for Christmas, love ya!

Sunday, November 30, 2008





Friday, November 28, 2008

this week isn't mine

angel-agina-anna in Rumah Mode's fitting room

EXHAUSTED - for several times i said it today. I am so exhausted now. I have no will to do anything but talk with abang. Someone who really close with me now, but so far away. Told me that his father got malaria and his curious feeling this whole day. What will happen? God, i just wanna sleep tonight, enjoying my quality sleep, wake up tomorrow with a new spirit, now hope and new Ana ^^

TIRED - the anteceden of exhausted. I have arrived in Jakarta on Tuesday. Have to finished Pendidikan Paper for Wednesday. Then, prepared my last quiz on Pengantar Psikodiagnostik. Have a walked with Angel, Thio and Egen. Have to instructed Angel's mom in her way to bring us to Ciputra Mall. We have dinner too in Rice Bowl, Ciputra Mall. And also, Herlin has been hospitalized for 3 days on St. Advent Hospital in Cihampelas, Bandung. Hwuah, poor of you,dear. Get well soon ya..

Herlin, u have to get well soon, okay? =p

HAPPY - from Saturday (last week) to this Tuesday (this week) i went to Bandung. Enjoying the day, spent a lot of money. Whuah, what should i do, papa and mama? Happy to brought Amanda Brownies and something cheesy from Kartika Sari (don't know the name hehe).. And here's the list what i've bought from Bandung :
1. My Eeyore and friends bedcover from BTC
2. My yellow dress and stripes blous from BTC
3. My most-expensive-ever Christmas dress from Rumah Mode
4. 3 t-shirts from Distros over Jl.Riau
5. Tiramisu Brownies from Amanda
6. Chessy sticks from Kartika Sari
7. Kaori from Me, Icon at Ciwalk
8. My victorian bag from Ouval Research
9. My new Cutie Pooh Umbrella

- mm, if i'm not mistaken, thats all guys hehe -
me and angel bought gift on d'gift

STARVING - Then, on Saturday, me, Loloy and Angel have a trip to Grand Indonesia (again for me?!) and it's neighbour, Plaza Indonesia. Both of them was so happy there, took some greatest and norak photos hahaha.. So funny,guys haha.. After that we have our breakfast-lunch-dinner at the same time by having buffet in Hartz Chicken Buffet at Taman Anggrek Mall. Hwuah, from too starving became too full. Bad grammar i think hahaha.. But, i know that all of you can understand it well, am i wrong? hopefully not hehe..

angel, me, loloy on China Area, GI

SCARE - for UAS to come and have come now! I still have a lot of homework to do from some subjects, God bless me.. I know i can handle, but, i need You, Lord to accompany me all the time. Love You, much.. Now, i just wanna say, i think i'm in love, but please let me ignore it until we meet. Semua indah pada waktunya, abang sayang..


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Buka Pintu

Nyampe juga di Bandung..
Dijemput Herlin dan Epenk di ITHB..
Nonton di Parisj Van Java..
Nonton What Happen in Vegas..

Cape :(

Friday, November 21, 2008

Akan ke Bandung Besok

Foto jadul kita pas SMA dulu hehehe

Angel bakalan datang pk13.00 besok, kita rencananya jalan-jalan dulu di Citraland, sambil nunggu travel buat pk19.00, yah, kurang lebih akan nyampe malam pk22.oo-an gitu di Bandung. Herlin tunggulah kedatangan kami ya. Kangen kalian banget, Angel dan Herlin!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

what a day!

Sebenarnya mau ngisi blog ini pake bahasa Inggris, tapi berhubung terburu2 dan harus segera mulai membuat makalah pendidikan, jadinya pake bahasa Indonesia saja. Hari ini special banget, hal yang baik ataupun buruknya.

1. Tidur jam1 karena surprise party Novi semalam. Trus, matiin alarm jam tgh5 dan jam5, trus baru bangun lagi jam tgh6, belajar deh. Padahal ngantuk banget loh huhu..Kena juga giliran presentasi Psi Kepribadian II - akhirnya kena juga hahaha - Ini ungkapan yang benar-benar dari hati. Bayangkan, hampit 3 bulan penuh penantian akhirnya kepilih juga dan itu artinya tidak menjadi kelompok terakhir. It's gonna be Lin's time to end it hahaha.. Happy happy deh :) But,as i guess before, things didn't always happen like we planned! And that's it! Kacau kacau kacau banget presentasi kita, tapi, menurutku ini presentasi yang menyenangkan (Puji Tuhan, akhir-akhir ini presentasiku selalu menyenangkan) karena Ibu Naomi juga ngajar dan kita benar-benar ngerti, yah, aku terutama lah. Dan setidaknya dia jadi nyadar akan kehadiran seorang Gressiana Siahaan di kelasnya. Wah, itu efek tambahan si, tapi aku senang membayangkan hal itu terjadi hehe..

2. Angel nelpon membatalkan kedatangannya Jumat ini karena tugas akhirnya harus selesai tanggal 5 Desember! Whuah, dah sampe seluruh bumi tau weekend ini aku mau ke Bandung, dan akhirnya harus batal. Yah, langsung ngecek tanggal deh, tapi aku sayang mau bolos Kamis depan, whuah pentingan kelas PPD deh, ntar kita juga ganggu Herlin n Epenk disana, kan jadi ngerepotin. Gimana dong ya? Tapi yang pasti weekend ini aku dan kawan-kawan mau wawancara buat Perkembangan II dan PIO - jangan-jangan aku lagi ni, wah, bosan! - Trus Sabtunya rencana ke Mangdu ma Loloy n Cliff, yah, moga2 ga batal lagi aja ya.. Hal yang perlu aku syukuri adalah kesempatan untuk ikut gereja pagi di HKBP Petojo, dalam rangka minggu orang yang telah meninggal. Aku harus berdoa untuk orang-orang yang aku cintai dan telah mendahului. Tuhan memang selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita, aku yakin itu.

3. Tulang Mona kena serangan jantung lagi! Tulang, cepat sembuh ya. Mama juga jangan langsung jadi khawatir sendiri. Jaga kesehatan ma!

4. Desi harus menyelesaikan Kepribadiannya sampai sore, jadi aku n Arlen pulang deh. Bli mangga, trus browse, menemukan situs yang tak disangka ditemukan dan aku suka itu.

5. Abang telpon malamnya. Nemanin Arlen makan juga, pembicaraan yang menarik antara kita, terutama membahas yang semalam. Dia ingat mulu lagi hehe =p Yah, pembahasan yang juga diselingi oleh suara sang adik tersayang. Hwuah, ribet deh bahas ukuran badan. Makanya, diet dong supaya ga digangguin mulu, iya ga? Ini malah mkn ngambek haha!

6. Novi ngasih tiramisu, kado ultahnya hari ini.. I can't help deh, tapi untuk besok, malam ini dah cukup kok :)

7. Ini ni terpenting, bikin makalah pendidikan, setidaknya dah ada gambaran lah. PIO rata-rata bisa masuk, jadi apa yang bisa lah. God bless me toninght, tomorrow and forever more :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wonder Woman

I've found this words from Maia Estianty's blog. She had a bad experience in her marriage life. Now, after she faced her divorce with Ahmad Dhani, she still can say she honour everyman in her life, especially Dhani, his ex-husband. Salute!

Women have strenght that amazes men..
She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens..
She holds happiness, love and opinion..
She smiles when she feels like screaming..
She sings when she feels like crying..
She cries when she’s happy and laughs when she’s afraid..
Her love is unconditional!
But, there’s one thing wrong with her..
She’s sometimes forget she is worthy..
I wanna thanks to all the man in the whole world who always honour, respect and love their womens and mothers..
Man who always try to put smile on their women’s face & heart..

Have a delightful every each day of your live..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

love them :)

Desi captured me and Arlene at Hollywood Toilet

I'd like to tell all of you that i'm soooooo happy today. Woke up in the morning with a grateful feeling, thanked God for giving me one more day to celebrate His mercy on me, by loving them. I took my phone texted happy Sunday to mama, papa, Sintong and Daling. I have no idea when Sintong replied it. So suprise :) Then we texted about 5 or 7 times, made me wanna hug him, uhh, love this feeling. Then, abang texted me, too. Got a big surprise, it's was a first time he greet me happy Sunday first, since my first week in this term, i'll cherish it, bang. Thank you. (Makasih dah sabar ngeladenin Anna yang manja banget, makasih ya..)

Just arrived at the Harvey Nichols

After i said i wanna go with friends today, abang agreed, so me and Arlene went to Desi's crib, have a lunch on Kantin Solo, picked a bajaj to bring us to the busway shelter, and here we are on Grand Indonesia, The Shopping Mall. We arrived at the Harvey Nichols, remembering Ibu Mieke's stories about that store haha.. After that, we were looking for my Forever 21, got it in UG, looking for some walet, and guess what, it all sold out!

So, we just bought Kak Cheryl's present on her graduation day on December7, me and Desi will come there, and she asked us to bring her a present hehe.. Kind of wanting a sister actually hehe.. After that, we walked around, walked and walked then, we got home. So tired but i have to go to church on 6pm, got to be ready in 1 hour, cause me and Arlene wanna have dinner before.

Love you all, -Anna-

Saturday, November 15, 2008

1 tamparan untuk 3 pertanyaan

Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, kembali ke tanah air. Sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama, pastur atau siapa saja yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaannya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut, seorang pastur.

Pemuda : Anda siapa dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya?
Pastur : Saya hamba Tuhan dan dengan izin-Nya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan anda.

Pemuda: Anda yakin? Sedangkan Profesor dan ramai orang yang pintar tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya.
Pastur : Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya.

Pemuda : Saya ada 3 pertanyaan:
1.Kalau memang Tuhan itu ada,tunjukan wujud Tuhan kepada saya!
2.Apakah yang dinamakan takdir?
3.Kalau iblis diciptakan dari api kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat iblis. Sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama. Apakah Tuhan tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu?

Tiba-tiba pastur tersebut menampar pipi pemuda tadi dengan keras.

Pemuda : (sambil menahan sakit) Kenapa anda marah kepada saya?
Pastur : Saya tidak marah...Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya.

Pemuda : Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti.
Pastur : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?

Pemuda : Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit.
Pastur : Jadi anda percaya bahawa sakit itu ada?

Pemuda : Ya!
Pastur : Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu!

Pemuda : Saya tidak bisa.
Pastur : Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama...kita semua merasakan kewujudan Tuhan tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya.

Pastur : Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya?
Pemuda : Tidak.

Pastur : Apakah pernah terfikir oleh anda akan menerima tamparan dari saya hari ini?
Pemuda : Tidak.
Pastur : Itulah yang dinamakan takdir.

Pastur : Terbuat dari apa tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda?
Pemuda : Kulit.
Pastur : Terbuat dari apa pipi anda?
Pemuda : Kulit.

Pastur : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?
Pemuda: Sakit.

Pastur : Walaupun iblis dijadikan dari api dan neraka juga terbuat dari api, jika Tuhan menghendaki maka neraka akan menjadi tempat yang menyakitkan untuk iblis.

do not ever asking God's power, cause you will not have any doubt on it, no need to argue cause you will not win debating God's power.
Thank you, Jesus :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

have fun in fX

I believe that fX stand for fun Xtatement, for the Xtatement i have no doubt, just guess the "f" actually haha.. I went to fX today with Inggrid and Arlene after our Perkembangan II class with Ibu Riana. Wah, it was a cool presentation, i felt so much comfortable, she and all the class made me have no nervous, i liked the bloody-energetic-learning process like that :)

we used batiks, we hold same books, we rocks the class together

After that, in my good mood,i agreed when Inggrid asked me to go to Menara Dea at Mega Kuningan first then go to fX to have lunch and do some window shooping, and lately i realized i can't do window shopping in fX, cause it fulls with restos and cafe. This mall is quiet small i think, but lovely anyway hehe..

thanks for "mas", whos captured me, Ing and Arlene in front of the "seluncuran"

I got surprise with my weight, still 57kg, no lose kg and it made Ibu Nanik surprisingly, but, not in happy but in sad mode, wah, feel a lil bit guilty actually, but i can't help, Bu, this migran hurted me so much, i can't help it too. Then, i promised my self to do a healthy life without consummate any kind of "pil pelangsing". God, forgive me, mama papa, forgive me..

So, back to fX, we have lunch at Green Pepper in fb, i have my nasi hainam dan ayam panggang, so lovely, but i dislike their sauce, too sweet for me. Inggrid and Arlene have nasi hainam dan ayam chairsu, both of them. We talked about GAP there and also my new crush, R - can't tell bout him yet, guys, still blank about him haha..

They agreed that GAP isn't suit for me, he's not mature enough to make me mature too, yeah, age doesn't state it, guys. But what can i do? Huff, he never ask my condition, just keep miscall and miscall, i know it's not miscall, but i hope he will surprise me with a simple sms like how areyou, de? Can he make it? God, i want it badly, to make sure my feeling on him and to be return, what happened and what will happen between us?

After finishing our lunch and refund the e-ticket, we went to watch Quatum of Solace
by James Bond, a complicated one, cause none of us liked James Bond anyway haha.. We kept asking one another until the film end, whoah, even the main idea of that film is unobvious for us haha..Still confused, we went to Bali Deli, to looking for some imported stuff there. A lot of milk, fruit, cheese, even sushi and salmon. Mm, a heavy price smart market in town, guys.

We choosed to back, i was curious bout a traffic jam, and it's true guys. After i picked a Express Taxi on Tower 11, Apartment Taman Rasuna (Inggrid's crib), me and Arlene spent for just-2 hours in taxi and have to paid for Rp75.000,- Whuah, it's so expensive. But i'm glad when we arrived in here, i can rest my body. I'm so looking for a quality sleep, hope i can get it tonight, Amen..

(mama suprised me with Malaysia planning tour on 28 up to 2 Jan, uhh, confused and i also won't to answer any call or reply any sms from GAP, uhh, still BETE ><.. )

Thursday, November 13, 2008

12 Rules to Live

1. Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

2. Make the best of circumstances. No one has everything and everyone has something of sorrow.

3. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

4. Don’t let criticism worry you. You can’t please everybody.

5. Don’t let your neighbors set your standards; be yourself.

6. Do things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt.

7. Don’t borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder to bear than actual ones.

8. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish enmities and grudges. Avoid people who make you unhappy.

9. Have many interests. If you can’t travel, read about places.

10. Don’t hold post-mortems or spend time brooding over sorrows and mistakes.

11. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.

12. Keep busy at something. A very busy person never has time to be unhappy.

- Robert Louis Stevenson -

Hate that i want him badly!

Why i say i hate that i want him badly? Huff, i just can't get the answer yet, i'm not fall in love with him yet, i just want him to make me feel special as he have promised me, can't him? I can't resist that i want it, want it, want it. Yah, now, i've got it, but not in my way, it's on his way. Uhh, boy is sooo complicated and makes us frustated everytime.

Why he always late?
Why he always childish?
Why he always "aneh2"?
Then, why i have to think about him?
Why i have to check my hp everysecond i can?
Why i have to mad on him??

Anna, try to think he's your nothing, and you are his nothing. Realized that both of you are imposibble to be a couple. But, this feeling is so unpleasant, so ridiculous, uhh, so terible :(

Have fun, Na, there's a dozen milyar man will love you hehe..
I love this wonderful life, and it's tiny dust like him will means nothing..


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


hearts and happy faces
Happy play in grassy places
That was how, in ancient ages
Children grew to king and sages
- Robert Louis Stevenson -

Good night, people :)

differences between us

WOMAN needs ..


MAN needs ..


what need(s) i haven't get and what need(s) i should give?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

a day with loloy

Yesterday I went out with Loloy. I promised to woke her up at 9pm, but i was in phone with GAP, so i haven't waking her up until 9.30pm and i have to prepare my self too. I arrived in her crib at 11.15pm but still have to wait her finish until 11.50pm, and catched a P6 bus in front of UNTAR. We have a great conversation in that bus, until a "pujangga" came and tell us his poem, the BEST COMPLICATED POEM i've ever heard. I love poem and it's essence, but i didn't get any essence in his poem, sorry guys :(

Anyway, i felt hungry, so we choosed to have a lunch before we shopping. We went to Rice Bowl, if I'm not mistaken in 1st floor, choose Paket A and a strawberry juice (no ice no sugar) for me and avocado pearl for Loloy. We talked about a lot things there, from my bored point in university, our mom, GAP also, bros and so on. Yeah, eventhough Loloy is untalkative one, but, she is a good listener, good commentator also, especially in fashion hehe..

me and my new kaffiah

After we eat, we went back to Centro Department Store there, and didn't get want we wanna buy (shoes, actually), it was so crowded there, so we moved to the other side of Centro, then, we found these kaffiahs hehe.. Not as good as i want, but i bought it already haha..

Got no place to go, we catched taxi to go to the next destination, Metro Department Store in Taman Anggrek Mall. I bought 2 pieces dress from TheoryX, and was happy with that, cause it's almost a day walking and i haven't got one hehe.. Happy with that dress, i will use it at Christmas hehe.. And the best part of that day was my new "gantungan hape" hehe.. So sweet for that price hehehe.. I loved it :)

thanks for this shopping trip, Loloy

Friday, November 7, 2008

rOOm swEEt rOOm

I am alone today, if i can clearly say i am alone all these days in Jakarta. I woke up alone, i toke a bath alone (hehe, i just wanna make it a lil bit hyperbola), ate alone, doing everything alone, think about everything alone and so on. It makes me love my 201 room in Tawakal Ujung Raya 24 so much. I share my tears here, sadness, and love also.

But, last night(s), i missed my own room in Manado. I miss so much, i miss my bed, miss my bathroom, miss my wardrobe i leave on Manado, i miss all the stuff. I just miss Manado, miss mama, miss papa, miss Sintong and miss Daling. Huh, i don't like this feeling at all, makes me got a headache (last night i got a headache, and i just guess it's one of the reason why).

Actually i don't know i miss them or not, now i'm crying cause i can't go back to Manado on Sintong's SIDI. And i just don't know, when will i fly. Huh, i hate this feeling. Why mama always late? Why i always the last to know everything? Why?

So, now i just can cry on my bed, in my 3x3m room sweet room. Enjoying everypart of it, cause, i have left all my feeling in almost a year here. I like it, i love it, cause it's all i have. Here is my life, my feelings, my stuff, my everything.

view 1 : doors, textbooks,hang up clothes

view2 : food spot and wardrobe2

view3 : shoes, wardrobe1, make up

view 4 : entertainment spot - tv and laptop

view 5 : my eeyore and comfort short bed

Hoping night comes earlier today, i am so tired, i wanna rest it so i can enjoy my next trip for tomorrow with loloy. Now, i wanna back to campus, meet Arlen and Desi to catch busway to have an interview in Panin Tower, next to Ratu Plaza. I really wanna have fun today, get a ticket, enjoying the interview, get a call from abang (i just need it, really), get a sms from mama and the others maybe, just need it..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

miss it!

today, i woke up with a guilt, i didn't study well for PPD test today. i now, i supposed to study last night, but i was too tired, so i couldn't study and the most important, i WON'T study. suddenly i lose my will to reach high point on that subject, don't know why. i love the teacher, Henny Wirawan is one of my favourite lecture in Tarumanagara University, or if i can say, one of the best teacher all over my education career. hehehe..

then, as i have predicted before, i ended PPD class like a dumb. i hate myself n feel guilty to my parents cause i won't try hard to study or even finishing read the paper. huff! finally, i lose my feeling to study in Psychology! i feel i do nothing, i just study to get point, or if i have test, and after that, buzz, i forget every single part of that subject. whoah, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

after i finished my 88meal for lunch, i texted my mom about the ticket on Dec20 and gonna ask her what color of "kebaya" will she wear on my bro SIDI on Dec21. and guess what is her answers :
1. his SIDI will be held on Dec7, which is i WON'T BE ABLE TO COME!
2. our church Christmas celebration will be held on
3. now, i'm confusing bout my ticket, which is will take on 20 or 21th Dec
4. uhh, just BETE for that 3 things!!!

now, i have to do my homework for the next week, as usual, a lot of homework to do, a lot of paper to do, a lot a time to do that, and i hope i have a lot of energy to do that, to prove my skill as a psychologist to be and making my parents proud on me.

God, please bless your daughter..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

dari Lukman

This morning i have a Personality II class (Kepribadian II) with Lukman. Because he had something he to ask me, he moved next to me. Then i asked him, why he'd never text me more, and he said because i'm not using XL hehe.. Actually, i know exactly it is the reason why, but just hoping he will "ngeles" to me hehe..

So, after debated his question i ask him to pay me, then i took my note and pencil, wait for him and his "wangsit" to give me some magical words. FYI, Lukman is the only man i know who loves philosophy that much, and even collect some magic words from forum in internet hehe.. He also loved Shakespeare and his famous masterpiece, Romeo and Juliet.

Here is some of Lukman's magical words..

Tuhan memberi pelangi di setiap badai
senyum di setiap air mata,
berkat di setiap cobaan,
lagu indah di setiap kesunyian,
dan jawaban di setiap doa..

Di dunia ini, kita bukan mencari
orang yang sempurna untuk dicintai,
tetapi mencintai orang dengan
cara yang sempurna..

Thanku, Lukman


aku dan mama di ratusan pohon pinus

Mama sakit lagi. Bukan karena hujan, bukan karena angin puting beliung, bukan karena apa, tapi karena miom itu lagi. Sekali lagi mama bermasalah dengan "hal" itu. Huff, dah dari lama dibilang untuk operasi, seingatku Januari 2007 kita dah pernah diskusi tentang kemungkinan itu di Singapore tapi sampai sekarang realisasinya belum jalan.

Mm, i'm getting more curious now, eventhough i don't know exactly what she feels. The only thing i know, mama hopes she's get better as soon as posible, but her womb is sweld, so she cannot do operation on these days. At least we have to wait until next month, but i suggest to do operation in January in Singapore so i can accompany her. I wanna be on her side to face it,i wanna know the preventive things about this cause.

Then, in the afternoon, gap texted me and said he doesn't felt well, he might have a cold, because this whole day he worked on outdoor. Yah, they made me sad, yeah, in a real definition SAD, because they cannot do their activity as well as usual. Hope they are getting better, mom especially, now i'm truly miss her.. Uhh, hope December is tomorrow, so i can pack my bags to go home hehe.. I miss AM 114 and all the people there so much now.

It's getting late, and i still have homework to do, huff..
Get well soon mama n abang,

God bless ya! ^^

Sunday, November 2, 2008

happy sunday

greeting HAPPY SUNDAY to all of you!

i'm yours

i'm yours by Jason Mraz

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but your so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm tryin to get back
before the cool done run out I'll be givin it my best test
and nothin's gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait
I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved

So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours

Scooch on over closer, dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spendin' way too long checkin' my tongue in the mirror
and bendin' over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
and so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'd be sayin' is there ain't no better reason
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
it's what we aim to do
our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more,
no more it cannot wait
I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you will find that the sky is yours

so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours
simple, cute, accoustic song..
so easy listening, eventhough the text is rather hard to remember for me hehe..

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Sebenarnya ga ada yg salah dengan makan. Setiap manusia perlu makan untuk hidup. Begitu pun denganku dan kamu. Tapi, disaat makanan itu tidak lagi membantumu untuk hidup, malah perlahan-lahan namun pasti "membunuhmu", perlukah kita makan sesuka kita lagi?

Ini yang sekarang terjadi sama Tulang Mona. Hari Rabu kemarin tulang kena serangan jantung akut, itu karena dia suka sekali makan yang namanya jeroan, ati, ampela, uhh, pokoknya bagian-bagian terlarang dari binatang. Trus, makan kambing dan daging panggang. Nah, liat kan sekarang, makan jadinya harus dibatasin, dan TIDAK BOLEH PAKAI DAGING SAMA SEKALI!!

Bukankah itu sebuah siksaan, terutama bagi kita orang-orang Batak dan Kristen pula jika tidak bisa makan daging terutama daging babi? Namun, demi mencapai umur yang panjang dan juga sehat, kita HARUS menjaga pola makan kita. Tidak boleh lagi yang namanya sembarang makan, khususnya daging!

Tanggal 23 Oktober yang lalu, aku memutuskan untuk menempuh jalan sehat untuk menurunkan berat badan. Jelas saja orang-orang di sekelilingku langsung protes dan mengatakan bahwa aku tidak gemuk. Mm, iya sih memang, tapi, bukan sekedar ingin turun berat badan yang aku inginkan karena produk ini juga mengatakan bahwa kadar lemakku bisa turun. Yah, menurut timbangan mereka sih, kadar lemakku lebih 6% dari rata-rata normal. Wah, jadi lebih cemas ni, apalagi harganya juga tidak main-main.

logo herbalife yang ada di 66 negara

Yah, seperti yang dibayangkan sebelumnya, mama protes dan buat aku jadi sedih. Tapi, aku harus buktikan bahwa produk ini sukses, kira-kira tanggal 21 November nanti genap 1 bulan, semoga disaat itu, berat badanku telah turun dan kembali normal. Ada teman-teman yang buat aku percaya karena mereka telah berhasil dengan produk ini.

Nah, habis jenguk tulang, abang nelpon. Aku cerita deh tentang besukan ke Siloam Hospital dan penyakit tulang. Dari lama sih aku udah tahu bahwa pola makan abang juga gawat. Kerjaan dia bisa sampai tengah-tengah malam, sukanya makan soto dan daging, belum lagi riwayat bronkhitisnya. Gawat ga, sih??

Trus, tadi malam kita malah membahas tentang makanan-makanan yang harus dia kurangi, karena aku ga bisa bilang pantang, karena aku kan ga bisa liat dia makan gimana dan dimana setiap harinya. Mamanya sudah melarang dia makan terlalu banyak. Dan aku setuju! Itu hal yang bagus, tapi sayangnya abang itu gampang ngambek, dan itu lah, larangan itu bukan bikin dia berhenti makan tapi malah lebih nafsu makan! Apa-apaan itu??

Mulai deh, dia ngurut-ngurutin apa yang mau dia makan, tau apa? Ini dia..

cumi bakar
babi panggang

Wah, gawat kan? Belum lagi kesukaan-kesukaan dia yang lain. Ini nih, gawat banget dan dia bangga akan itu. Waduh!

Aku pun khawatir sih, belum lagi aku memang diet, jadi memang harus menjaga makananku, dan menurutku Hokben di siang ini cukup menyenangkan hehe.. Itulah yang terjadi, setelah abis menentangnya makan daging, namun tetap saja dia makan panggang, dan sekarang lagi makan di acara kawinan, jelas-jelas sekali lagi aku tidak bisa menahan pola makannya, maka aku pun makan makanan kesukaanku, Hoka-hoka Bento paket C hahaha.. I'm so full, thanks God.

Moga-moga aku bisa tetap ngontrol makan abang sesuai mau dia dikontrol atau tidak, dan moga-moga dia ga ngambek karena aku kayak mamanya yang batas-batasin dia makan. Hidup sehat dong, kan kasian kalau sampai sakit karena makanan. Moga-moga..

1 Paket C Hoka-hoka Bento + 1 Aqua = Rp27.000,-
