Wednesday, March 31, 2010

today isn't April Mop

Hahaha, of course it's not yet. No one lie to me and i am happy now, though i still have one task to do before i can enjoy my very long weekend. Oh no, tomorrow i still have classes, and am considering to skip my last class for one good reason. I had great night yesterday, with my besties, Angel and Thio-san. Poor me, i didn't take many pictures, though Radja Ketjil in Sky Dining in Plaza Semanggi place where we had dinner last night) was a unique one. I'd like to go there again, gazing Jakarta at night from its central. So romantic, besides all smokers there. They ruined our dinner, so we couldn't eat outside and watch the sky view. But it was still nice to watch all Chinese unique ornaments inside the restaurant.

And now, after i finished two tasks before mid term exam, start next Tuesday, i enjoy my me time in front of laptop. Maybe i'll start to watch Glee. Hahaha, you'll say i am katro, due to i had all the cds but haven't have leisure time to watch it. Also many new movies in a box next to my bed. Sometimes it's more enjoyable for me to watch movie in the cinema, than in a laptop. I need a big screen and good stereo and also a comfy chair. Yeah, though it's not a clean one in the cinema hahaha. 

Lately i found out that tumblr is one of a cute toy to play after making many tasks. Cute pictures and good quotes are provided there. Will i make one? Mmm, let we see next month. Hehehe.. Ah ya, one good quote for today. I forgot where i saw it, but i wanna share it you all.

Only one thing makes a dream impossible :
the fear of failure

So true!

Monday, March 29, 2010

happy birthday, mom!

 mom and her bodyguards

Today is mom's birthday. I called her last morning and greet her. Mmm, i'd like to post something about mom here, but one thing that made me happy was her message every morning. Greet me have a nice day and don't forget to pray. I knew she loves me that much and i felt blissful. She often called me lately and i couldn't be happier hehehe.. 

I am not a good secret keeper, especially for you, bloggie. I am indeed beyond happiness now. I'll meet my family (dad, mom, brothers) soon. Hoping everything will run well, so i could enjoy our family time :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

turn off the lights

 please turn off your lights tonight for life

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

He's holding me (so does you)

It's late at night and i supposed to sleep now. But, before i close all windows, i read one email. An old email from a friend, i almost erase it. It's touchy, especially for me. I felt many blessings these days and i instantly thank God for everything. Read it guys, you'll find out why i said it is touchy. 
There was an atheist couple who had a child. The couple never told their daughter anything about the Lord. One night when the little girl was 5 years old, the parents fought with each other and the dad shot the Mom, right in front of the child. Then, the dad shot himself. The little girl watched it all.

She then was sent to a foster home. The foster mother was a Christian and took the child to church. On the first day of Sunday School, the foster mother told the teacher that the girl had never heard of Jesus, and to have patience with her.

The teacher held up a picture of Jesus and said, 'Does anyone know who this is?' The little girl said, 'I do, that's the man who was holding me the night my parents died.'
 And also read these following words. 

Funny, isn't it?

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
     Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.
Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says. (Or is it scary?)
     Funny how someone can say 'I believe in God' but still follow Satan (who, by the way,   also 'believes' in God).
Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
     Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace.
Funny how when you go to forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it to them.
     Funny how we can go to church for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week. (Are you laughing?)
Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me than what God thinks of me. (Are you thinking?)

Is this post inspiring you? Because it did happen to me. How He's holding me for the rest of my life. I trust Him, i surrender..

cupcakes for a day

 me and Angel  in Cupcakes

Have you ever taste cupcake? I did for several times, and yesterday i tried one cupcake again with my best friend, Angel. She came on Monday night due to some university thingy (she's heading to Medan now). I picked her yesterday and be her tour guide in Jakarta. If you follow my twitter and also you are my university mates, please tolerate this kind of skip-class thing. Hehehe.. 

We started from Permata Hijau, at first she asked me to bring her to Mangga Dua (oh, my we are so shopping mania), but i refused. She'll be back to Jakarta next week and still have one more free week here, so why she had to shop now. Right? So, we moved to Permata Hijau to had Hoka2 Bento as our early lunch and eye-d in Ace Hardware afterward. She was craving for Hoka2 Bento, and look what we ordered. Laugh as you like, guys. Our meals are like kiddy meals (poor us). Then we stopped taxi to bring us to Central Park to have a nail art, but then we changed our mind and decided to turn back to Pondok Indah and go to Cilandak Town Square (Citos). Kinda long journey for us. We swept Citos and bought this scarf for us (include Herlin) and stopped by at Cupcakes in the 2nd floor. Cutie decoration, so girly, and we tasted two cupcakes there. Mm, i don't really like cupcake, not really like the er, what to say, cream topping (isn't it right?) though it's colorful. In conclude i don't really like sweet things, like candy and chocolate. So does Angel. Sorry sweet cupcakes, but we love your place. Took some pictures there before we ended our Citos tour in ak'sa ra and played Deal or No Deal in Timezone. 

 our kiddy meals



their cupcakes

Many things happened actually, but it will be a long post and you'll be not understand it well hehe.. One thing for sure i had a marvelous time with Angel, Marcel and Thio. Yesterday was really like a cupcake. Sweet as you could see. Although i don't like sweet things, it's still okay for me because it still has a cake below. A plain one, not too sweet, suit on my taste. For that one, i thanked God, like yesterday :)

ps : we missed our beloved friend, Herlin, who now lived in Bandung. we wanna meet up with her soon, but i don't think it will happen. i hope she could give any information about her life lately. still haven't get a clue why she keep away from us. huff..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

atau dan atau

Hai bloggie. Judulnya kembali aneh ya? Huff, saya lagi bingung, ada beberapa pertanyaan besar dalam hidup saya akhir2 ini. Dan semuanya tidak langsung nemu jawabannya, malah saya diperhadapkan dengan dua pilihan. Bingung, pasti. Tapi saya sudah menceritakan uneg2 saya pada teman terdekat, setidaknya ada yang bisa saya jawab sekarang. Semoga tepat dan tidak mengecewakan ya.

  • saya bingung mau skripsi kualitatif atau kuantitatif.saya sadar diri kemampuan SPSS amat kurang, bahkan di kelas pengukuran saja saya bisa hampir ketiduran saking bingung ini apaan. meskipun mencatat verbatim juga bukan hal yang menyenangkan, tapi setidaknya melihat huruf lebih menyenangkan hati saya dibandingkan melihat angka. tapi, berhubung saya berkeinginan melanjutkan pendidikan psikologi di bidang industri,  maka menurut saya sewajarnya saya mengambil judul skripsi yang menunjang hal itu. tapi sayangnya, kebanyakan judul skripsi tentang industri berbentuk kuantitatif. see? bingung ga kalian juga? di tengah kebingungan saya, mama menelpon dan akhirnya saya cerita. dengan bahasa sederhana tentunya, karena di jaman mama saya kuliah mungkin ga pake sistem kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif. mama saya pun mengusulkan sejumlah ide tentang skripsi.semoga siapapun dosen yang akan saya sodori judul ini akan menerimanya ya. nah, pilih dosen pembimbing juga membingungkan tuh. saya pribadi ingin dibimbing oleh ibu dekan saya. saya sudah ketemu judul seperti senior saya, namun hanya diubah sudut pandangnya. namun perubahan ini hampir bisa membuat saya memastikan diri dia tidak akan suka sama judul saya. yah, moga2 beliau dapat berubah pikiran ya. semoga..
  • saya bingung akan kemana liburan Paskah ini. yah, jangan disebut liburan deh, karena kenyataanya tepat sehari sesudah Paskah, saya akan menghadapi ujian tengah semester. semoga tidak ada ujian di hari pertama, sehingga saya bisa menyebut ini liburan (sangat singkat). sebenarnya sih meskipun tetap di Jakarta saya senang2 saja, tapi kalau bisa jalan2 kan lebih baik. semoga jadwal ujian mendukung ya. jangan ada ujian hari pertama dong. pleaseee..
  • saya bingung antara mengganti no untuk si bb apa tidak. udah 2 hari itu bb buat saya darah tinggi. tidak bisa diapa2in, bahkan ujung2nya saya harus mengisi pulsa lagi, padahal saya tahu pasti jumlah pulsa yang ada di dalam itu bb. huff, membingungkan sekali. tsel dan bb. lengkap sudah stres saya hahaha.. 
  • saya bingung apa lagi ya? yah, antara tugas2 yang ada, yang mana harus saya kerjakan duluan? tapi saya sudah tahu jawabannya, selepas ini saya akan mengerjakan tugas itu. 
  • ahh, saya tahu saya bingung apa lagi, hari Selasa ini, saya akan datang ke forum angkatan atau saya pergi bersama teman ya? nah, itu dia kebingungan paling mendesak malam ini. saya bingung kalau dikasih pilihan2 sulit.
huff..saya ini manusia plin plan, dengan 1 pilihan saja, saya bisa banyak yang dipikirin, apalagi ini 2 pilihan. huff..

Thursday, March 18, 2010

i wish i were home (now)

 Sad yet wishful tittle. But, i really wanna come home. I came with 2 reasons,
  • today is my parents' 21th anniversary. i texted mom and dad this morning. i wanna call them, but they both were busy due to the celebration of it tonight. besides, i have 2 classes today until evening and also gym time (i do feel like dying today). i told my brothers to greet mamapapa too, i knew they did it well. just wait for mom's call tomorrow and i'll get the whole stories hehe.. i sent them 4 t-shirts, one for each of them. i hope they liked it and i know well they will :) that's what i love about my family. though i gave them a simple (but useful of course) present, they'll appreciate it well. yeah, besides i have a very humble mom and 3 men (i don't know how to say it in English, but i like to call them slebor and amburadul, they don't care what to wear or use, as long it's still has its function). they'll be okay with mine then ^^
  • my brother will have his UAN (national final examination) next Monday. i prayed for him everytime i felt worry. i prayed for him, to pass this exam and could get the best university. i was wondering what if he enter Trisakti? i'll be next to him everyday. i could help him to prepare everything related to his new life. mamapapa will visit us more often, because we live in the same city. or maybe the same kost (my kost is a twin kost, for man and woman). to be honest, i lost him these days. he spent almost all of his time in facebook. it's easier to find him there than by message in phone. sigh.. i hope you try to do your best in this last battle in high school, Sin. i know you can pass the exam with a great point. Semangat!
I love my family. They are the best. We are the best family.  

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

demi sepotong kolonel Sanders

Ini post ga penting. Saya udah memperingatkan teman2 di awal post ini ya hehehe.. Selebihnya ya terserah teman2 mau baca apa ga. Selamat ngiler yaa.. (Saya cuma ga tau mau ngapain - malas belajar lebih tepatnya, jadinya ngeblog deh, jadi harap maklum jika ngalor ngidul ya)

Dari kemarin saya dah ngidam berat sama ayamnya si kolonel ini. Kentucky Fried Chicken yang maha terkenal itu. Saya sendiri membatasi makan itu. As a reward for myself, i only eat it once in a month. Sejauh ini berjalan dengan lancar, dan hari ini saya mau pake jatah sebulan ini. Berhubung libur Nyepi, jadi saya ajak teman2. Ga ada yang mau! Alasannya macam2, dari baru makan (kenapa ga ngajak, hah?), sampai udah makan dan ga niat. Ohmy, ada orang ga napsu sama makanan ini ya? Saya salut. Hebat sekali beliau2 itu. Saya pun pusing! Ga ada yang mau nemanin saya makan ayam kolonel. Sampai akhirnya si teman makan ini yang mau berjalan demi si ayam. HOORAY! I'm over the hegde :)

me and DesiCoy

Jadilah kita berdua hujan2an (beneran hujan) jalan ke Citraland. Antri dan makan. Cukup dengan 1 porsi kombo super deal (2 ayam + nasi + mirinda) buat Desi, dan 1 dada crispy + nasi + cream soup untuk saya, setelah hampir setengah jam mengantri. Saya kenyang deh. Lalu kita lanjut jalan2 ga jelas yang berujung saya dapat kado untuk ulang tahun mama saya akhir bulan ini. Desi dapat benda yang cocok buat dia juga. Malu ngomong disini hehehe.. Sebelum akhirnya kita ketemu teman2 lain sebelum akhirnya berpisah untuk lanjut makan es teller meskipun perut kita berdua masih bengah parah. Let's go!

Ini percakapan paling ga penting deh sama mas2 es teller 77.
saya : mas, es nangka itu isinya apa aja ya? (berharap ada nata de coco, selasih, jelly2an)
mas : isinya ya nangka aja, mbak.
saya : es teller isinya apa aja?
mas : nangka, kelapa sama alpukat
saya : kalo gitu es nangka aja
desi : kenapa emangnya na?  
saya : aku ga makan alpukat dan kelapa, des.
desi : heh? aneh.
saya : mbak, ga jadi, maunya teh tarik aja. (gubrak!) hehehe

Yah, ini memang bukan kali pertama saya makan es teller disini. Tapi tetap saja berharap es teller-nya itu ada pembaharuan. Ato es nangka-nya divariasikan dong. Desi pun nanya kenapa saya ga suka 2 buah normal itu, yang menurut saya tidak normal. Beda selera yah, saya ga suka daging kelapa dan lembeknya alpukat. Sedangkan dia pecinta itu. Emm, bisa dibilang Desi ga ada pantangan makan deh. Cocok diajak makan kemana2 hehehe.. Nah, sekarang kita ada planning lagi buat nemu tempat makan yang telah diceritain sama Desi beberapa hari lalu. Okei, Desi Coy, kapan kita kesana? Kami memang perut2 enak semua deh. Mari makan enak kawan2 :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

bold yourself

You like showers better than bubble baths.
You cannot stand pop music.
You have a sister.
You are an only child.
You have black hair.
You have blonde hair.
You have red hair.
You have glasses.
You wear contacts.

You like TV more than movies.
You don’t talk on the phone often.
You like to shop.
You like emo music.
You are tall.
You are short.
You are average height.
You have long hair.
You have medium length hair.
You have short hair.
You use AIM.
You use Yahoo IM.
You have more than 3 pets.
You like sushi.
You love sushi.
You are on a diet.
You are currently on the second floor of your house.
You have a small room.
You are in high school.
You have 1 little brother.
You have an older brother.
You are allergic to something.
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
You have a current crush.
You have many crushes.
You have been kissed.
You have kissed another girl.
You laugh a lot.
You have lots of friends
You are lonely.
You are depressed.
You are listening to music.
You are doing homework.
You have school tomorrow.
You are sick.
You hate your teacher.
You think your teacher is OK.
There is drama in your school, constantly.
You are wearing sweat pants.
You are wearing socks.
You are wearing a T-shirt.
You have lost a loved one.
You hate your school.
You loved your school.
You have been picked on.
You have been yelled at.
You have gotten in a fight.
You have said a bad word.
You shop at Abercrombie and Fitch.
You play basketball.
You play softball.
You play baseball.
You play soccer.
You play football.
You hate sports. (i wish i didn't bold it actually haha)
You get manicures.
You shop at Pac Sun.
You go to the mall a lot. (gotta admit it)
You are close with your family.
You never fight with your parents.
You have been grounded.
You have driven a car.
You are listening to your iPod.
You are watching TV.
You are watching a movie.
You are listening to the radio.
You are singing.
You are happy.
You are sad.
You are blah.
You are anxious.
You are about to go somewhere.
You haven’t been out of your house for over 3 days.
Someone besides you is in the same room with you.
You love your natural hair.
You hate your eye color.
You wish you were never been born.
You write your own songs.
You write books.
You hate to write.
You hate your hometown.
You love your hometown.
You are smart.

You are average.
You are dumb.
You get good grades. (thank God)
You enjoy having people at your house. 

You love going to the movies with a lot of people.
You like to go bowling with your friends.
You have ice-skated before.
You like popsicles.
You think Vanilla is better than Chocolate.

long night in Kemang

What a night! I went out to watch The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus with my sister and her friends in Plaza Senayan (yup, again) around 7pm yesterday. We went to Kemang to meet their friends afterward. It's almost 10 pm actually, but i said yes to her, so, i join them. It was so crowded there, and it's my first time to go to Kemang. I once went to Blok M Square ( same way to Kemang). I heard about Kemang Food Festival and how popular it is as teen's usual hangout place. I read enough tweets from Indonesian teen artists (i just follow some of them, artists whose attract me with their attitude, not their problems hehe) so, i said why not i try to spend my long night there. 

A friend of my sister asked us to meet her in Casa, Kemang. This cafe is located in the 2nd floor of ak'sara Kemang (book store, closed in night). A small yet comfort one. Butttt, only one large room. There's no seperation in smooking and non-smooking room. The whole smoke in that cafe was irritate my eyes. My eyes couldn't endure it so, after half hour there and  i started to sleepy though i drink something fresh (it's 12pm already), I decided to walk around Kemang with Rain. I'm glad to meet Rain tonight. She's already got her Bachelor degree in Psychology (thank God i met her) and we shared many things there. We moved to dvd stores and met BCL and her hubby there. Chatting about many psychological movies. And how to start my proposal and what kind of topic should i take. Around 1 am we went back to Casa and continued our chit chat there, before we stopped by Dim Sum Festival and had some dimsum before we went home. I arrived at my sister's home around 4 am ( it's a current time, seriously) and sleepover at hers. What a night, isn't it? Long long night at Kemang. I enjoyed it, and will go there again, but not that late and won't go to Casa again. Ak'sara is more attractive for me. And Dim Sum Festival itself. 

 Casa Kemang at night. Last night i sat in a sofa, behind this yellow flower. 

As i recall, it's not the real Dim Sum Kemang but Radio Dalam's. 
But, this one was only the bright picture of it. hehehe. 
If you wanna know more, try to go there yourself.

I really wanna take some pictures, but it was so crowded there and i still don't know how to mute bb's camera. So, i asked Mr. Google for some pictures which are you could see above.  Dim Sum festifal was a cozy place, they played MJ's This Is It there, also a match, Arsenal vs Hull City, but i didn't know the winner. Their dimsum, emm, like ordinary ones. But i like their siomay sapi, i'd like to try ceker ayam, but i dislike ceker (appearantly). The worst thing there in my opinion was its toilet. I saw 2 men, in very strange pee poses there. How could i see them? Go there, and you'll know why! hahaha.. I like my long night, but not for next week, i am tired and still sleepy because i just slept for 4 hours. So, i gotta sleep again. Happy Sunday ppl!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alice in Wonderland makes me wonder

Is Alice in Wonderland one of Disney's? I grew up with Disney's movie like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas, Tarzan, Toy Story and so on, but i didn't think that Alice in Wonderland is one of them. Am i right? The only thing i know about Alice was she's just a girl, who'd enter the Wonderland, and she had a bunny friend. That's all. And yesterday, i discovered more than that.

 alice's look as i know

Alice in Wonderland movie

 the cast : see the Upin Ipin? i laughed a lot while watching their silly acts

First, Alice was one of Disney's tale. Second, Alice has many friends, a cat - i hate his appearance, a dormouse, a clown-man named Hatter, flowers, and twin boys. They reminds me to Upin Ipin, seriously silly twins hahaha.. Third, there is a conflict in Underland, between their two queens, Redqueen and Whitequeen. I don't know how to explain them both. One is strange and the other even more. Anne Hathaway was errr, looked strange in that movie. But, overall, it was a good movie. I laughed and confused in the same time, about 2 hours. 

I watched it with Arlene, in one of the newest mall from my home. A nearest one too, Season City in Jembatan Besi near to Jelambar. We reached it by bajaj (how near it is) and went straight to the cinema. A big and wide one, not like what i expected before. And the price is Rp15K each movie, all day in a week, include weekend and holiday. Quite reachable price, right? The cinema is also has a bar/cafe, complete yet still clean cinema overall. Anyway, i just give you their cinema's recommendation, not the whole mall. The other good point in that mall beside the XXI, was Carrefour. But other stores were, err, ordinary and not open yet. Soo, have a nice movie in a new cinema, guys!

outside the cinema

food section

the whole lobby

the cafe's entrance

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Plaza Senayan is one of my good friend lately

I laughed myself when i wrote the tittle of this post. But seriously, Plaza Senayan has been nice to me at least three times on last week. It's more complete than MTA (my usual place to hang out) and had many branded stores. It's good to your eyes, guys hehehe.. One of my favourite is also there, Famous Amos cookies. I've already bought two kinds of it to be sent to Manado, as my brother's snack during his study time. My favourite was double chocolate cookies. And yesterday, before watching My Name is Khan (starring Sharukh Khan and Kajol), me and Loloy had an express lunch in KOI Teppanyaki while waiting for Ing to come and join us. 

 please don't mind these two waiters

 the chef was in action

my meal, served with rice and soup ( a super plain one, too) 

The way their chef cook were really entertaining us. Yeah, though i think the food was, err, plain (i used this word again hahaha). I tried their slice beef teppanyaki set and Loloy tried sirloin teppanyaki set. For me it's better to watch how they cooked it than eat it. Kinda easy to cook, you'll look more than karateka than a chef there hehe.. I am wondering now, am i sick? I tasted almost everything plain. I like something spicy which i don't get in such of resto like this. Huff.. I miss mom's cooking. It attracts me more than anything in here hehehe.. 

PS : i cried while watching My Name is Khan, especially on part when Kajol's son was died. Overall it was a great Indian movie. But i heart 3 idiots more. Bravo Bollywood!

dates with pancakes

One word from me if you ask me to have lunch or dinner with pancake, NO WAY! I spent 2 lunchs and 1 dinner in this month in Pancious Pancake. One of the famous pancake restaurant in Jakarta as i knew. And a closest one, you could find it easily on 3rd floor Taman Anggrek Mall. The price? Mid up to (kinda) expensive. But i bet you'll enjoy the pancake, it tasted great. Then after 3 times had dinner and lunch there, i've already got their private card. Me and Thio actually had a competition, who'll get the card first? Yeah, you're right hehe.. 

Here's some pictures on my dates in Pancious Pancake :

Cliff, Thio, Lisa, me, Eby, Nata 
  • The first date was with my high school friends, because our beloved friend, Lisa (sit next to me) was coming from Singapore to spent a short Chinesse New Year break in Jakarta. It was the first time i think about having  its card.
 Arlene, me, Desi, Toeng

 our meals
  •  The second date was with my university friends. Me and Desi was treating Arlene and Toeng in order to our late birthday celebration. Due to i want to get it's card, we had lunch here and as you can see, we all had pastas, rather than had pancake hehehe.. But we still share Coco Pancious together.
Ing and me

the boys : Syl and Thio

my Tsukene Rice Burger 
  • And the third date was a double dates (jk). We just ate pancakes and pasta there, before we moved to Plaza Senayan and had MOS burger and its speciality, Rice Burger. I don't think it'll be one of my favourite burger, in fact it tasted plain and full with leeks. I hate it! Burger King and KFC's burger still taste the best for me. Nyummyyy :)
any compliments?
I'm full with pancake! 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

setahun lalu di tanggal ini

saya menangis parah pagi ini. eh, kurang lebih 3jam lalu. bangun2, saya terima sms mama. gini bunyinya 

Tetaplah berdoa. Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal. Sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu. (1 Tes 5:17-18). Met pagi Anna, kita ultah hari ini 1 tahun di Penang. Mama sayang kamu dan Gby.

nah, kan, nulis ini aja saya mau nangis lagi. saya jadi ingat apa yang terjadi di Penang setahun lalu. hari terburuk saya, namun hari dimana saya rasa Tuhan itu ada dan sayang sekali sama saya. hari saya merasa saya itu benar2 harus sendiri menghadapi hal, bahwa saya harus berserah saja sama Tuhan karena tidak ada manusia yang bisa menjamin saya bisa baik2 saja, tetapi hanya Dia. pernah merasa seperti itu? rasanya hancur. rasanya sangat berdosa sampai kita pun tak yakin Tuhan itu sayang sama kita. belum lagi jika kita harus bertanggung jawab sama hidup orang lain, siapapun itu. dan ini adalah mama saya sendiri. saya belum pernah cerita ini kepada mama. saya terlalu sedih jika harus menangis di depannya. saya tidak boleh nangis di depan mama, saya harus kuat dan itulah yang saya lakukan setahun ini. saya adalah kekuatan mama, saya tahu itu. 

terkadang saya marah sama orangtua2 yang seperti mama saya. saking sayang sama anak2nya, tidak mau cerita jika ada masalah atau sakit. saya tahu alasannya baik, bahkan sangat baik. tapi saya ingin mereka cerita. setidaknya kepada saya, anak perempuannya. saya tahu mereka juga takut akan hal2 buruk itu. saya tahu dan saya bisa diajak cerita. meskipun tidak semua saran yang saya berikan adalah yang terbaik itu mama. saya bersyukur hari itu telah lewat. saya percaya masih ada banyak tahun2 ke depan, dimana saya akan bahagia bersama mama saya tanpa adanya masalah ini lagi. saya pun berharap tidak akan menghadapi masalah serupa disaat nanti saya seusia mama. tapi jika itu terjadi, saya percaya saya punya mama yang setia menemani saya. 

saya masih punya banyak foto dari Penang pas setahun lalu itu. mama saya cantik loh di foto itu hehe..
pulau di seberang sana itu Malaysia

mamaku gadis Bond *piss, ma hehe

suka banget bunga2an

tangannya hangat, semua yang dia buat pasti bagus

yang bagus modelnya apa yang motretnya?

aku sayang mamah :) 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

sisters late birthday celebration

 me and Kgab

I don't have any sister in real actually, but i do feel strong connection with this woman, which i called her Kgab. We're name started with the same letter, G. Our birthday's date is also close, so we used to hang out together in our birthday. My last birthday was a special birthday for me, because i became 20 years old. But her last birtday, on middle January wasn't a happy one. Yeah, some personnal reason, i wont reveal here. I did greet her and vice versa. I planned to ask her out in after her birthday but something bad happened in my relatives so momdad has to go to Jakarta and we out nowhere. Until my departure date is fixed.

the open lobby

welcome to the hotel
"gerobak abang2"

a strange chair

stupid us in a stupid photo 
in Novotel's logo

So, we decided to have dinner in her office, Novotel Hotel, Manado. It was a huge hotel, lux and clean one. I love being there, also how they all were being nice to me. Many of them weren't believe that we both are sister. Physically i'm taller and bigger than her. People could easily think that i'm older than her, seriously. My sister is an active one, while me, a bit passive. I'm not the one who always brave enough to break rules but she is. I love her so much and happy for being her sister. We talked a lot there. A lot! Many bad things, really really bad things (and bad men) happened in our life in the same time. Eventhough we haven't met for such a long time, we experienced the same things. I don't know what was God's plan for us, but thanked Him, i found Kgab and i could share her everything like what she did to me. Especially for our similar stories. Huff.. I wish life will treat her better this year and she can find her real soulmate really sooner. I love my sister :)

ps : find Chef Agus there for the best service ya hehehe..