Wednesday, April 28, 2010

into blitz life

 last escalator before the main lobby of Blitz Megaplex

Yesterday i tried the newest Blitz Megaplex cinema on Central Park, Jakarta. It was a huge cinema and a great one. As i recall it was the biggest Blitz Megaplex besides Paris Van Java-Bandung (i love the cinema, so cool, big yet lux one), Grand Indonesia (i hate the long escalator before it), Pacific Place (the most mall-look for their Blitz) and Mall of Indonesia (a bit look-alike with CP's). I tried to capture some spots in the cinema, but unlucky me, their management didn't allow me to do that. So, i just gave you one picture above, with Desilia-Dora-Yoan' backs (my friends) as the models. Hihihi..

We watched a Thailand comedy romantic movie called Bangkok Traffic (Love) Story. A dreamy movie, a girl fell in love with an unknown man (handsome absolutely) and the story goes. Two thumbs up for Thailand's actors and actresses. It's difficult to write their name, you might google it yourself then try to memorize it. I bet you can't do that for the whole casts, or even the main casts. Hahaha.. I took a picture with that movie poster. Just my foot actually hehehe.. 

I also made a Blitzcard for me for these reasonable reasons below  :
  1. i love their caramel popcorn so much. it is really watering my mouth. 
  2. their whole decorations in the cinema. i have to give all my thumbs to blitz, especially in Central Park.
  3. though i've never experienced their Velvet or Satin (i would dare someday with someone), i bet they're also great.
  4. never regret if you're late entering the studio. still many advs to be played and you wont miss the movie. (err, is it a reason? yah, i do think so, hehe)
  5. they play great movies that other's don't play, esp indie ones.
Yup, i am so much into Blitz-ing now. FYI, they also played 3 idiots here. I want to watch it again, but now i am eyeing to their Toy Story 3d. If i could have someone to accompany me, i miss the potato couples and a stupid green dragon. Hehehe..

cerita ♥ si adek


Pada kangen ga sih sama postingan saya soal cinta2an? Yah, saya sendiri aja kangen nulis yang manis2 ketika jatuh cinta. Tapi sayangnya cinta itu masih belum kunjung tiba setelah dia pergi akhir tahun lalu. Jadi tak akan ada posting soal cinta di blog ini hingga saya menemukan seseorang. Ah, saya malas di-flirt sama orang via orang lain meskipun itu teman sendiri. Mau nitip salam, ya sampein sendirilah. Bener ga, bloggie? Yah, dulu masih ngerasa lucu, masih punya rasa penasaran dan sedikit tingkat kegenitan untuk nyampein salam balik, tapi sekarang mah saya sebodoh amat. Emm, itu pola pikir bagus apa ga ya? Tapi mengikuti umur, udah tidak sepatutnya saya girang jika ada cowo yang flirtingnya kayak gituan. Yasudahlah, jika tiba waktunya juga semua indah kan?

Nah, untuk mengisi kekosongan posting romantis di blog ini, saya (tanpa meminta izin tentu saja) akan memuat cerita tentang adek saya, si anak SMA yang baru lulus kemaren. Saya baru tahu hari ini jika dia udah 2x pacaran. Dan saya kaget! Serius, bloggie. Saya sih tahunya tahun lalu dia punya cewek, dari hasil investigasi saya ke handphone-nya (oke, bagian ini sepertinya harus jadi rahasia kita deh). Yah, dia sih adek yang baik2 aja dan tanpa curiga minjamin handphone dan saya pun tanpa ragu membongkar2. Hingga saya pun tahu namanya, dan paling parahnya search nama si oknum pacar adek di fesbuk bersama mama! Si mama ga kalah penasaran rupanya. Menurun ya berarti habit kayak gitu, atau emang kita keturunan detektif? hahaha.. 

Ternyata mereka dah putus sekarang. Yah, kata si adek sih orangtua si pacar belum mau anaknya pacaran, karena baru kelas 1 SMA. Oow, si adek senior jatuh cinta toh awalnya. Lucuuuu.. Adek saya cukup aktif memang di organisasi sekolah maupun organisasi rohani sekolah. Jadi deh, dia bisa flirt2 sama junior2 yang amat membutuhkan kehangatan senior *mulai jijik. Tapi ternyata mereka bubar jalan di tahun ini, jadi deh status si adek kembali single di fesbuknya. Dan fakta lain bahwa ini bukan pacar pertama si adek. Saya ga bakal nyebut jumlah disini beserta alasan putus mereka, tapi saya asli ga tau kisah cinta adek saya kecuali yang terakhir ini, karena ini kayaknya yang paling dianggap sama dia.

Yah, begitulah kurang lebih cerita singkat kisah cinta si adek. Sepanjang di kelas tadi siang saya sms-an terus sama dia buat tanya2 tentang itu. Dia lagi manis banget malah balas2in. Sampe nyindir kalau saya kalah sama dia. Dia berhasil pacaran tanpa ketahuan papamama. Ahhh, susah sih itu terwujud jika saya pacaran. Apalagi untuk kasus calon pacar saya selanjutnya, at least mama mesti tahu. Tapi belum mau mikir ah, toh masih belum ada juga calon yang potensial (calon 3s). Jadi kalian harus cukup puas untuk kisah si Kong dulu ya (saya kadang manggil dia Kong, yah nebak aja sendiri kenapa gitu hehe). Untuk kisah cinta si adek bungsu masih sebatas suka2an gitu, dari cerita dia terakhir ke saya ya. Ntar jika ada cerita lagi saya posting juga deh hehe.. 
Spread your love, people!

Monday, April 26, 2010

before i hit my bolster

I need to go to sleep soon, but there's something inside my head and i feel like wanna share it here. Hope you don't mind, bloggie (of course you wont, i knnow that for sure, hahaha).
  • my brother graduated from senior high school. yayyy! it was a good news for today, i was like nervous all the day, waiting for the result. and suprisingly, he got 9,75 in physics. how come, brother? i haven't seen you study that hard! hahahaha.. no offense, just a little observation, as a good sister. anyway, congrats to you. i was a bit mad with you actually, i hope you know that and will send your apology message tomorrow. i miss you terribly much and i wish i were home today and celebrate it. though you chose to celebrate it with your friends than family. huff, boy..
  • i was about going to Bandung this weekend. yah, last weekend was an unpleasant one for me, so i decided to ask daddy if i could go to Bandung. i promise i wont shop like crazy (as i always did in previous visits), i just need a refreshment. and Bandung will be great, always great i might admit. so, i'm going to ask daddy tomorrow, wish me luck bloggie, and tell him i will be save there and wont do something bad. i just wanna find a new air, beside this city never sleep, Jakarta.
  • i changed my twitter avatar and added some bios. at first, i only wrote eeyore lover there, then, i added it with sister of 2 silly brothers and wishing her lomo's result will satisfy her. yah, those words describe me well, right? i wish i could finish lomo's current roll so i could see the results. i hope it'll satisfy me. and about 2 silly brothers, i don't mind you sillyness, i miss you.. ahh, sounds so pathetic, huh? poor me, this pms (blame it) brought me to this gloomy-syndrome. yeah, that's why i need to escape a while from this hectic university world. though i am a lazy one.
Okay, i was just ignoring one resume, i wanna sleep now. i need a good quality one. another great day will meet me tomorrow. ah, hoping daddy will be in a good mood also. mom especially hahaha.. i miss them and wish them nice dreams. good night everyone :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

bumiku sayang bumiku malang

Bumiku, selamat ulang tahun :)

Yah, sayangnya di kampus saya ga ada kegiatan apa2 tuh. Sejauh yang saya tahu juga memang tidak ada yang begitu spesial dalam memperingati hari bumi ini. Hanya starbucks pake promosi gratis minuman jika beli tumbler ato mug mereka, tapi ga tau beneran apa ga. Saya ga punya waktu ngecek soalnya di tengah hari yang super dagdigdug ini (alasan pribadi kawan, maapkan). Ah, saya tau juga kalau di Bali ada acara Earth Day di GWK, kalau tak salah loh ya. Tapi di Jakarta sendiri gitu2 aja. Dari tadi mantengin gosip dan berita, ga ada yang spesifik dengan hari ini. Beneran hari bumi ga sihhh? Kenapa ada earth hour yang heboh matiin lampu 1 jam, sampai teman saya bilang saya harusnya bawa obor kemana2, hadehhh.. Kenapa dibedakan ya gerakan earth day sama earth hour? Aneh sih ya?

Tapi yang pasti sih saya sendiri mau menghormati earth day hari ini. Tapi sayangnya di badan yang ga sampai 160cm ini dan di kamar yang hanya 3x3 meter ini, banyak banget pemborosan yang saya lakukan. Saya membuat bumi menangis dan jika bisa di-list-in, inilah hal2 standar yang membuat bumi menangis ala saya.

1. Saya ga pernah matiin lampu kamar mandi. Tentu ini tidak berlaku ketika saya di rumah. Ini hanya berlaku di kamar kos saya di Jakarta. Saya merasa hampa tidak ada lampu. Saya benar2 menyalakannya terus, bahkan jika saya pulang 2 bulan ke Manado. Kalian ga salah baca. Saya selalu menghidupkan lampu kamar mandi. Entah untuk tiap mitos, dan untuk membantu saya tidak terlalu kegelapan kala tidur. Maapkan saya bumi.
2. Saya tidak pernah matiin tv juga. Tv saya selalu hidup, hanya di power-off. Namun, jika saya pergi lebih dari 2 hari biasanya saya matikan. Em, jika saya cukup ingat mematikan ya. Maapkan saya bumi.
3. Saya sering mencharge handphone berhari2. Bukan dengan handphone tentu saja, namun chargernya masih nangkring di colokan. Kata teman saya itu juga masih membuang2 listrik. Bener ga sih? Kan ga ada handphone-nya. Tapi, apapun itu, maapkan saya bumi.
4. Saya selalu mencolok dispenser saya. Tidak ditiap saya ingin minum teh atau coklat. Tapi selalu terpasang. Apakah itu berbahaya juga? Maapkan saya bumi.
5. Saya selalu mencetak slip atm saya. Saya pelupa dan mohon itu sebagai excuse yang baik untuk bumi. Setidaknya kertas itu saya simpan, dibanding dengan orang yang mencetak slip dan langsung membuangnya. Iya ga, bumi? Tapi, maapkan saya bumi.
6. Saya membiarkan laptop hidup seharian tanpa menggunakannya. Itu dikarenakan sejumlah hal yang kadang diluar keinginan saya. Namun, maapkan saya bumi.
7. Saya anak pencinta post-it dan tulisan bagus, terkadang dikala kreativitas timbul, maka post-it adalah salah satu mainan saya. Untuk post bagus dari internet, biasanya saya print untuk saya tempel di area kamar. Dan itu memakai kertas baru. Hmm, maapkan saya bumi.

Itu deh yang saya bisa ingat malam ini. Maapkan saya bumi karena saya masih saja mengecewakanmu. Ah, tapi jangan sedih. Saya banyak mengabadikan gambarmu. Malam ini saya membongkar foto lama di tahun 2007. Bumiku di daerah Sumatera Utara amat indah. Inilah sebagian foto2mu, bumi. Enjoy it at you day!

di belakang adekku itu pohon pinus semuanya

pemandangan dari mobil ke arah Danau Toba sore2

bukit yang mengintari Danau Toba

pemandangan dari puncak Brastagi

Dirimu indah bumi. Tetaplah mempesona kami. Kami menghargaimu. Kiranya penghargaan itu belum terlambat kau terima. Sekali lagi, selamat ulang tahun, bumi.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

merdeka setengah hati

Yippie, si UTS dah kelar. Akhirnya kelar setelah 2 1/2 minggu hidup tak tenang, tidur tak nyenyak *hiperbola.. Tapi ya gitu, entah kepada hingga hari terakhir ujian tadi, saya ga merasa mereka sukses. Apakah karena pulpen pilot hi-tech (maap nyebut merk, kali aja yang minjam lupa kembaliin jadi ingay) keramat saya hilang (mm, entah sebutannya apa, tapi khusus ujian saya selalu memakai pulpen itu), entah badan saya kecapaian (dikarenakan jadwal yang padat untuk bersenang-senang), atau simpel, saya malas belajar. Nah, mungkin ketiganya tepat, dan memang tepat. 

UTS selama 2 1/2 minggu dan saya sudah menonton 3 film yang berbeda di sela-selanya. Saya beberapa kali ke mall (selain untuk menonton tentu saja) dan tidur. Tidur sih manusiawi menurut saya, terutama saya tipe yang harus tidur jika menjelang ujian. Tapi di masa UTS seperti ini haram hukumnya jika tidur cantik (baca: 8 jam). Haram bagi mahasiswa lainnya sih ya, tapi saya tidur kok tiap ujian, meskipun posisi tidurnya ga pernah benar karena berbagi kasur dengan materi ujian dan tiap beberapa jam kebangun dan ujung2nya tidur lagi. Itu siklus hidup saya dikala banyak deadline tugas atau ujian, baik UTS maupun UAS. Siklus itu berlaku sih kali ini, tapi drive untuk ujiannya ga ada sama sekali dan sekarang saya menyesal.

Bukan penyesalan jika ga datang belakangan kan? Tapi terkadang saya nyesal jika sudah mempelajari sesuatu secara serius karena menganggap bahan itu penting, dan ketika soal dibagikan, plek! ga ada dong yang saya kira penting itu. Rasanya bak keiris pisau, nyes, nyes (entah gitu bunyinya apa ga sih ya, saya kurang tahu hahaha). Tapi gitulah pokoknya, perasaan masih tak tenang. Kata teman2 sih dah ada nilai yang keluar, yah, jika nilai nyentuh 7 saya dah senang deh. Untuk kemalasan2 saya di 2 minggu ini, tak papalah nilai 7, meskipun hati merintih perih *okei, hiperbola kedua. 

Yah, seiring dengan malasnya saya belajar, saya pun cukup aktif kembali bergerak di dunia per-fesbuk-an. Disamping tweet dan kamu, bloggie sayang. Dan teman karib saya ada yang baru bikin account setelah timbul tenggelam beberapa kali (entah apa alasannya). Dia muat beberapa gambar gitu, kayaknya sih tumblr adalah medianya jika tidak lewat blog. Ah, ngomong2 tumblr, saya jadi tertarik untuk bikin, tapi kalau ga keurus menurut saya sayang, kasian dia-nya. Iya ga sih teman2? Makanya saya belum mau berpindah atau membagi cinta selain sama bloggie *kecup kecup. Tapi saya mau bagi2 gambar2 bagus menurut saya dari album poto teman itu. Hey, Herlin, ini kamu yang aku ceritain loh..

Gambar yang ada itu setipe2 begini. To the point bahasanya, pemilihan warna juga too simple to be explained. Tapi manis aja sih menurut saya. Yeah, pada dasarnya teman saya suka kata2nya sih (menurut saya), makanya dia masukin gambar ini di albumnya. Tapi bagus deh pemilihan detail gambar kecilnya. Nyadar ga itu apa teman2? Pernah ada eksperimen pas sekolah, bahwa lup yang ditaruh di bawah matahari bisa membakar kertas? Itu makna gambar ini. Kecil tapi kena banget! Kalau kita ga fokus sama lup, maka kertas itu tak akan kebakar. Dan saya suka kata2nya, kena gitu sama pengalaman saya akhir2 ini. Energi saya habis itu hal2 ga penting diluar pendidikan. Fokus Na, ayo fokus! 

Ini  nih lebih nendang lagi. Gambarnya sih cuma pola jahitan, yang lain dah kejahit itu gambar benang yang keluar untuk memulai jahit lagi, namun dimaknakan sebagai kegagalan. Saya gagal? Mungkin saja (masih sok denial lagi), meskipun masih berharap ada keajaiban untuk matakuliah2 tertentu, yang saya anggap memungkinkan untuk dapat nilai bagus. Ga boleh nyesel lama2, harus lebih giat belajar lagi deh ini. Semangat!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

family = sources of wisdom

  • by pictures (include words) :
    •  by words :
    I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. 
    They have clung to me all my life.
          Abraham Lincoln.
      • by movie  :
      The Lovely Bones thought me how to cherish every moment with family. You know nothing about our future. Just be a good daughter, a good sister, a good friend to everyone. Thank God, i still have a complete family, though we're not living in the same city for the last 2.5 years. I feel them (family in the movie).
      • by twitter :
      I follow an account, named ihatequotes, and i just simply loved some of their tweets. Like yesterday, they tweet-ed : 1 daughter + 1 mom = 2 best friends! Ah, so sweet. I miss my best friend now ^^

      May you all feel blessed with these wisdom i spread in this post, fellas. 
      Love your mom (the whole family also) and have a blessed Sunday :)

      Wednesday, April 14, 2010

      first visit to the yellow campus

      Guess it easily? Yup, i went to Universitas Indonesia as known as yellow campus, last weekend. First i went there by train. A bit confuse at first, where will we arrive, how could we know it is a right station, how long will it take to the Psychology Faculty and how can we find the way. Lucky me, i have Gebot, my junior high friend, who are now at UI, took International Relationship in FISIP UI. So, she texted me at night, and her sms-es were so helpful. I could find the way easily to Psychology, an easy one, before got lost afterward in Psychology Faculty, hahaha.. Because she knew nothing about Psychology but the canteens (yeah, i know what it means, Geb). 

      I found out that my faculty's library in Tarumanagara is more modern that UI's. A fancy one, i could be proud of (seriously). One thing i might bold is i found many good advice to do my proposal there. See? I even bold it! hehe.. Spent about 3 hours there, before having an untasty Nasi Liwet and went home by bus. To make sure what it's like to be in bus for 3 hours, while train will make us arrive safely in about 1,5 hours. And i go for train! After that, had Es Pisang Ijo with Arlene and Toeng, as a reward for ourselves who'd brave enough to cross Jakarta's road to Depok and arrived back to Jakarta safely. Ahhh, i wanna go there again if i've had my proposal clear. I hope it could happen really sooner. Crossed fingers.

      pictures above is in Station Kota and the train

      a road right after you arrived at UI

      Es Pisang Ijo

      two Makassar girls

      sleepover at Angel's

      Remember my friend, Angel? Who came from Manado last month and flew to Medan for some university bussiness. Yeah, she was still in Jakarta at time i was back from Makassar. I made up my mind to sleepover at hers in my way back, hahaha.. Then, i met her with two friends, Syl and Thio after had Easter service at night in HKBP Petojo. What a wonderful preach at the time, felt so blissful. I met them at Mc.Donalds - MTA around 8 p.m, a bit talk there, before we hold our own Mc.Flurry-ies in hands and walked to the next mall, Central Park. We had a late dinner at Kafe Betawi and ordered the famous Soto Betawi and Sate Ayam there.

      Thio and Angel

       Kafe Betawi's ceiling. Lamp with pan.

       the menus

      Soto Betawi plus rice

       Angel and Hoshi's breads

      Syl and the shoes

      Then we bought some Choky Sitohang's breads on his bakery named HOSHI Bread. Too late to have a window shopping, so we waited for taxi and went home. Me and Angel had a not so long curhat time, i was terribly sleepy (just came back from Makassar). So we slept and planned some things to be done on the next day. We had hair treatments and manicure-padicures on Citraland, before we off to Emporium Pluit to had our super duper late lunch on Nasi Campur Kenanga and had Quickly-ies (glek, i want it now!). Yup, you all knew what we want for sure, hahaha.. Some window shopping afterward before we went home, seperate home now. She had to pack her stuff to bring home on the next day, before something bad happen afterward (hahahaha, sorry Ngel), while me, went home to have my first exam on the next day. It wasn't our last meet actually, we met again in Lau's Kopitiam at night. It was a good day with her. And i hope Manado could treat me as well as Jakarta did it to Angel on this last visit. We want Quickly in Manado, right Ngel? ^^

       see how slim we are, silly mirror hahaha..

      Tuesday, April 13, 2010

      in the biggest indoor theme park

      As the newest tourism spot in Makassar, Trans Studio indoor theme park became so famous nowadays. That's why me and my family went there, to experience ourselves how great Trans Studio is. And it was great i might admit. The whole decorations, 4 different themes, full of AC (yup, indoor theme park, the biggest in the world, once i read), many good spots to take pictures (sorry, it's my natural habit, hehehe), many games to be played though not as much as Dufan's and it's all only one chance. Once you bought the ticket, you can use it everytime you go there again and also it can be used to pay the tollroad. There's 2 kind of tickets, Rp100000 to play 10 games and Rp150000 to play all the games. 

      Spent about 4 hours there, not play at all, but watched the show, Spongebob 4D, i loved it, never watched it before, so i was so excited at the time, like a kiddo hahaha, also watched their lamp-marching band with some Trans programs, had some rests, took pictures (mamapapa even printed theirs in Jelajah game! how romantic, hihi), bought some souvenirs (poor me, i bought nothing for myself, the shirt wasn't fit enough *sigh) and had Baskin Robins. A good day for us, especially to escape while from Makassar bad wheather and had a good time there with my beloved ones.

      brothers in on their roller coaster, based on Harry Potter's story. 
      Remember when Harry and Ron drove a car around London to go to Hogwarts?
      See the picture below, you can see the Big Ben

      i called it a sweet escape :)

      Fort Rotterdam

      I might add the title to be Fort Rotterdam and Mom. Why mom? Because she looked so happy when we visited this Dutch old fort in Makassar. Actually, mom was so cheerful on that day, on last Easter day. She kept smiling and cheering us to enjoy our last day although we all tired and felt terribly hot. We walked about 10 minutes from hotel and find this fort. A big one. I saw it twice in a television as a place to cook, Bara Pattirajawane and Farah Quinn did cook there. That's why i recognized this place. Were too crowded because there was a festival there. People wore vintage costumes, you could see it in my pictures below. 

      After that we crossed the street and had some sight seeing in Pulau Kayangan (Kayangan Island). We used old boat to go there and vice versa but we did it in rush because my plane has already wait for me. So, we just spent half hour there before check-ed out and went to airport in hurry afterward. Yah, one of a bad habit that runs in this family. But, still God loved us, the plane was delay, how great it is, right? hahaha.. Many pictures there actually, but full with our faces there, i'm kinda afraid to put it all here, due to it all brothers' photos. Hihihi.. I guess this one is enough, you might googling it for further information. As i could conclude, Fort Rotterdam is one of a great fort in Indonesia (though it was my first experience on fort hahaha)

      marvelous weekend

      Hai bloggie..
      I miss you so much *smoochs. I have no time for the last 2 weeks, even just to open laptop. I only online by blackberry, keep updating by twitter and bbm. I miss you. I have many good stories to share. Anyway, the main reason why i kept away from you is because i am having my mid term exams these days, and it has finished for this week so, i have chance to meet you. Saying i am fine and April treated me well until today.

      Last Easter (Thursday to Sunday) i went to Makassar with family. Not on our priority trip list at first, but i'm glad we took that chance, to enjoy our family time, just 5 of us. To a place we knew nothing about. It was my first time to explore this city, after experienced bad thing 3 years ago. So did mom and brothers. Dad once went there for office bussiness in 1995,  so i guess that's why he agreed to bring us there. He thought about our safety, thank you babeh, we love you. Poor us, we didn't attend any Easter service, me the only one who did it in Easter day right after i arrived in Jakarta. 

      We went to some tourism spots there, like Bantimurung Waterfall, Losari Beach, Fort Rotterdam, Kayangan Island, and Trans Studio as the magnet of city's tourism. Also tasted the famous Nyuk Nyang (i might say best of all), Coto Makassar, Pisang Epe, and Pisang Ijo (me likey). We bought some saroongs as souvenir, sutra Bugis for mom, tshirts and some peanuts, named Kacang Disko to be gifted to my friends. It was so hot there, err, not because the sunlight, but, the atmosphere there. It doubles your will to take a bath, though you've already take once. Kind of wheather i couldn't stand for. But i knew that's because we lived nearby beach, but i bet it's none like Manado's wheather. Manado's wheather more acceptable for me as i lived there for more than 10 years. 

      Well, the picture above consists of some spots i took there. Yup, the only 4D cinema i bet is in there, playing Spongebob Ride, the famous Losari Beach (Pantai Losari), Bantimurung and Fort Rotterdam (as known as tourism spots in Makassar), car with Makassar plat number - the one who brought us to explore this city, and Rumah Mode. Yup, the famous Factory Outlet in Bandung was open its branch in Makassar on Mall Panakukang. One of weird things i found out there, besides the whole street selling jewelry on Somba Opu street, lots of beggar in Losari, how simple Jusuf Kalla's house look like, and how people enjoying Pisang Epe while it made me sick just to smell it. Hahaha. That's Makassar and i thank God i've spent a marvelous weekend with family there :)

      view from Daddy's room, yup Losari Beach, like our hotel's name